Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,52

more than that.” The king pushed off from the wall. “She is extremely powerful. Your arm and leg are proof of that.”

“But the queen doesn’t want her for her magic.”

Roark offered a shrug of his wide shoulders, clad in a slim-fitting coat a dark velvet blue. “The Emerald queen is rabid with rage. I don’t think there is anything she won’t do at this point. One has to wonder if breathing in all that dust has addled her wits.”

“Oh, she’s fucking crazy, all right,” Titan muttered.

“Even though you’ve chosen to not accept her offer, I am still providing protection to the lady in question.”

“You think she’s in danger here?” he asked.

“I know she is. There was an attempt to kidnap her after your meeting.”

The words had him bristling. “Is she okay?”

“Fine. She handled him in a way that ensured he could still fight tonight.”

“Put me against him.”

“Why would I do that? So you can shake the hand of the man who tried to take Riella to your enemy?”


“Then why?”

“To punish him.”

“And again, I ask, why?” said Roark softly.

Titan frowned because he didn’t want to examine the reasons why someone going after Riella bothered him. “Fuck you, stop screwing with me.” He saw the trap after he fell in it.

“Nothing wrong with wanting to administer justice to someone who would do evil. Even if she is a princess with a wicked mother.”

“Do you think someone else will try and take her?”

“More than likely. The prize for her capture is tempting.”

“Then hand her over,” Titan said, even as the words soured on his tongue. She was capable. Surely, she could handle it. A petty thought that he felt ashamed of.

“I would never stoop so low. I don’t care about the prize. We don’t sell people,” the king muttered.

“But you buy them,” Titan stated.

“A better alternative to what the Marshlanders used to do with trespassers.”

“I’m not so sure given you toss them in the arena to fight and don’t care if someone dies.”

At that, Roark shrugged. “It’s a sport. Accidents happen.”

“I doubt you’ll like all the violence and death if the queen attacks.”

“Let her try.” Roark spread his hands and smiled. “Our enemies will find we’re not so easy to eliminate. And once Riella has connected the hamlets, we’ll be able to monitor for danger.” He eyed Titan. “The Marshlands could use more good fighting people.”

“Offering me a job? I thought I was your arena champion. The Tin Man, justice bringer.” The name still made his lip quirk.

“Who better to fight and defend this city than someone who earned their freedom?”

“You make it sound altruistic.”

“No one needs to know what drives us to do the things we do. Anything said aloud is usually a lie or half-truth. For example, if asked, I would say I forged this kingdom as a way to offer an alternative to the Enclave. A place where people could make their own choices, within certain boundaries. But a half-truth it would be. I like being in charge and telling people what to do. I speak, they listen.”

“In other words, you enjoy your work.”

The king stared at him a moment before chuckling. “Yes, I guess I do. And you could, too, if you gave it a chance. Win tonight, I’ll give you your freedom.”

“One last fight before shipping me off, eh?” Titan said, flexing his flesh hand wrapped in a thin fabric.

“You might say. You’ll be fighting your friend Gunner.”

“Of course, I am.” Bad luck for Gunner. Tonight was his chance to win.

“You don’t have to kill him. But feel free to slap him around. Make it look good. But whatever you do, win.”

“So I can come work for you.”

“But of course.”

“Will Riella be watching?” He couldn’t have said why he asked. It was pathetic.

The king smiled. “In the royal box of course. It’s going to be an action-packed event.”

Knowing she was there meant the moment he entered the ring, he searched for her. He couldn’t help himself. And then he couldn’t stop glancing, even as he fought Gunner.

Make it look good, the king had said. They traded punches. Sweat and spittle flew. Bruises were forming.

All he had to do now was deliver the knockout punch. But he couldn’t.

If he won, Gunner didn’t. Why did the king not want that to happen? Who was the second woman sitting anxiously in the king’s box, leaning forward?

Why did Gunner keep peeking at her too?

Fuck me.

In that moment, Titan made his decision. He threw the fight. He lay on the ground, pretending to Copyright 2016 - 2024