Twisted Metal Heart - Eve Langlais Page 0,27

of what he did.” The queen dropped Riella, and she landed on the floor once more but on her back this time.

It proved an improvement over the smushed face. “And now you want me dead, too.”

“If I wanted you dead, you would not be talking to me right now.” The queen leaned over, her face upside down, a twisted, older mirror image. “I might not like what you are, but I wasn’t done with you.”

“And that kind of statement right there is why your citizens are rebelling.”

“They don’t understand the needs of the kingdom.”

“They do. What the citizens don’t accept is the follies of a tyrant.”

The slap wasn’t unexpected. Still numb, Riella couldn’t lick the blood from her lips, but she tasted it.

“The things I do are for the safety of Emerald.”

“Now who’s lying?” Since this conversation would only result in more slaps, she veered it. “How did you find me?”

“Your precious Alfred.” Mother’s lip tugged into a sneer. “For all that I can’t stand you putting your father’s face and name to your damned robots, no matter the body, he is drawn to me.”

“How?” Riella growled. “I created him specifically hating you.”

“He hates me with more passion than he had in life. Enough so that when he leaves your presence, he can’t help but poke around in my affairs. Given he kept doing it, it was only a matter of time before we traced him back to your lair. Very clever hiding inside my own kingdom.”

Not clever enough since she was caught. “I don’t know why you bothered capturing me. You know I’ll escape again.”

“Don’t be so sure. Earl Arianne has made some modifications since your last escape.”

She glared. “You’re sending me back to the Incubaii Dome.” The queen hadn’t given up on her plan to make Riella into a breeder.

“I admit it’s not ideal given I also need you working on the new weapon to wipe out the insurgents. However, there wasn’t much of a choice. Our laws on imperfections are clear.”

A missing arm replaced by metal wasn’t considered good enough. “You used to ignore it before.”

“Before, it suited my purposes, and then you ran away. So, in reality, this is your fault.”

“Why an Incubaii Dome, though? Wouldn’t a factory setting be better?”

“Except you need to serve a dual purpose because none of what we took before your defection has borne fruit.”

“None?” The none referred to the eggs her mother had harvested in the hopes of replicating Riella’s rare Deviant gene—without the attitude and missing parts.

“Every single one becomes unviable as soon as they try to fertilize it. Rather irritating, I should add. We never had those problems with my eggs.” The queen sniffed. “It would appear we’ll need to attempt more archaic methods of conception.”

The chill permeating Riella deadened her tone. “You want to fertilize my womb. I won’t be your baby-maker.”

“As if you have a choice. But I will make you a promise. While you cannot return to the city, if you breed truly, then your child will be allowed to live in the capital. After it’s been suitably trained, of course.”

“I won’t do it.”

“You don’t have to do a thing.” The cold triumph had no mercy. “The implantation will happen. Whether you are strapped down and conscious for it is up to you.”

“That’s not a choice, and you know it.” Riella wanted to hide from this nightmare, but she couldn’t because she’d gotten complacent. Thought her trick had fooled the queen. She’d been so stupid and careless. Led mother right to her.

And this time, she doubted the queen would let her go.

The trip to the capital took days, even once they reached the main tunnel where they could travel quickly. They returned to the city first, not that Riella saw it. She was bustled from the tank into a drone ball, an avian flyer with simple controls to foil the Wasteland and its dislike of electronics.

The queen didn’t accompany Riella and the two Centurions sent with her. Didn’t talk to her at all. The only time they touched was to ensure the binding around her ankles and wrists remained intact. Being isolated meant she only had her own dark thoughts for company. She missed the silent haven of the drugged sleep she’d endured during the bulk of the journey.

But then again, did she want to sleep and wake to a rape already done? She wished she had tears to cry over the injustice. Instead, she saved her strength because she’d need it to escape.

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