Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,88

grandma. His expression was frozen with determination and his body littered with wounds.

Gemma tore from my embrace and stumbled toward him. For a moment, she simply stared down at him, then she began to sob. Every single sob wracked her body, shook her shoulders. She sank to her knees beside her dad, pressing her palms against his chest as if she hoped for a heartbeat.

“Fuck, Gem,” I said gently as I crouched beside her and touched her shoulder.

She shook her head. “Dad, please.” Slowly she pulled away, then looked at her palms now covered in his blood. Her clothes and hair were already soaked with her and the Russian’s blood.

She began quivering, her wide-eyed gaze hitting me. “Savio…”

“Shhh,” I crooned, touching her cheek.

She threw herself against my chest, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist. I almost lost my balance, but then I tightened my hold on her. Her body vibrated with her crying. I hugged her and pressed my cheek against her hair. Maybe I should have said something, consoled her. Words never failed me, but now I couldn’t come up with a single thing to say. Nothing that wouldn’t sound empty or like a goddamn Hallmark card.

For a long time, she only cried. Nino walked past us to let the arriving soldiers in. Soon the room was filled with our men, who kept their distance to Gemma and me.

Nino gave me a sign that indicated he needed space to search the entire restaurant for proof. His face remained emotionless as usual.

I stood, taking Gemma with me, who still clung to me.

“What about Mom and Carlotta?” She sniffled as she peered up at me so fucking scared, I wanted to kill every Bratva fucker in the country.

“They are at home. Diego called them on our way here.”

Relief followed by dread filled Gemma’s face. “Does… does Mom know?”

“Not yet.”

“Oh God.” Gemma pressed a hand over her mouth, horrified. “What are we going to do now? Without Dad? How’s Mom going to pay the bills for Carlotta? How are we going to get by without Dad? Without the restaurants?”

“I will take care of all of you,” Diego said.

He stood near the swinging door as if he couldn’t bring himself to come closer to his father.

Remo stepped into the restaurant from the kitchen, dragging the Russian behind him. The man was twitching but still unconscious. “I’m going to take him to the Sugar Trap.”

“I’ll take Gemma home with me. That way, you can check on her, Nino, and she’ll be safe,” I said.

Diego didn’t even protest, which showed how distraught he was. “I’ll head home to check on Mom and Carlotta.”

“I already sent a few men over just in case, as well as the pastor,” Nino said.

Diego nodded, then glanced at the Russian before his eyes locked with mine. “You and I, Savio?”

I nodded. Remo handed Diego his car keys. “Here, take my car and check on your mother and sister.” Finally, he walked over to his dad before he rushed outside.

Wrapping an arm around Gemma’s waist, I led her toward my car. She seemed in a state of shock, judging from the way her teeth were shattering and the zoned-out look in her eyes. She slumped in the backseat and closed her eyes. She didn’t say anything on our drive to the mansion. Nino had said she needed to lie down for a while. He’d later check on her again. She followed me inside, leaning heavily on me. Kiara and Serafina sent us worried glances as I led Gemma past the common room.

Once upstairs, I helped her toward my bathroom. I handed her a pair of my sweatpants and the smallest shirt I owned. “Can you shower?”

She nodded but still didn’t say anything.

I left the door ajar when I returned to the bedroom to hear if she passed out, then I sank down on the bed. For a moment, I stared blankly in the direction of the bathroom, then I fell back, closing my eyes. My pulse was still too fast and the tight sensation in my chest was only slowly lifting.

Gemma emerged fifteen minutes later. My sweatpants hung low on her hips and my white-tee showed off the fact that Gemma wasn’t wearing a bra. I tore my eyes away from her chest and returned my gaze to the ceiling.

She surprised me by crawling into bed with me. She looked small and scared. Slowly, I rolled over until I was facing her.

“What’s going to happen now?”

First, I was going to Copyright 2016 - 2024