Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,75

apologizing to me? You had to sleep with him.”

“I wanted to.” She sighed. “I know that you think sex belongs in a marriage, that your family is traditional, so I was ashamed to tell you. I was worried what you’d think of me, and I didn’t want Diego to get into trouble.”

Diego wouldn’t get into trouble for sleeping with a girl. He’d been sleeping with girls before and Dad didn’t really care. Then part of what Toni had said registered in me. I hugged her tightly. “You are a dumbass, you know that? I’d never judge you for sleeping with a guy, even if that guy is my idiot of a brother. You can do whatever you want, Toni. I love you. If you want to have sex, then that’s only your decision.”

It wouldn’t give her bonus points in our still very traditional society. The mafia didn’t play by the rules of the outside world, even the Camorra.

She released a shaky breath and I realized how much this must have bothered her. “I’m so glad that you know. It was horrible not being able to talk to anyone about Diego and me.”

Diego and Toni. I simply couldn’t wrap my mind around it.

I pulled back. “Are you dating?”

“We didn’t really put a label on what we have, but I think we are.” She didn’t sound certain.

“So how was it?” Then I grimaced, realizing that Toni would have to tell me about doing it with my brother. I really wasn’t ready for that conversation. At least it distracted me from Savio’s impossible behavior.

Toni made a face. “Do you really want to know?”

I didn’t, but Toni was my friend and I could tell that she wanted to share. “Yes, but please be vague.”

Toni giggled and I fell in. Her expression became tender—in love, and suddenly I was worried for her. I’d have to talk to Diego the moment he picked me up. “He was very careful. I didn’t think he could be like this. He kept asking me if I was okay.”

I tried to keep a neutral face, which was difficult, considering I was imagining Diego with Toni. She regarded me with a knowing look. “You’re freaked out, right?”

“It takes some getting used to.”

“I know,” she said. “But wouldn’t it be amazing if we became sisters-in-law?” Alarm bells rang in my head. I wanted nothing more than that, but I wasn’t sure about Diego.

My thoughts drifted back to Savio. Toni had taken what she wanted, without care and worry. She was free to do so. Her family wasn’t traditional.

Not to mention that Diego, unlike Savio wasn’t chasing after every skirt.

“What are you thinking?” Toni asked gently.

“Savio. He’s driving me crazy.”

“Do you want to sleep with him?”

“I do,” I admitted. “But not like this. I just can’t allow closeness outside of a committed relationship.”

Toni smiled. “Then don’t. If he wants you, he needs to work for it. He knew what he signed up for when he agreed to marry you.”

Sometimes I wasn’t sure if he really knew.

I was on my way to my car to search for Gemma. She’d overreacted, but my worry forced me to look for her anyway.

Diego shot into the parking lot and came to a stop with squealing tires. The pissed-as-fuck look on his face could only mean he’d found her first.

He jumped out of the car, not even bothering to close the door before he stormed toward me. I braced myself. I wasn’t in the mood for a split lip again.

Diego shoved me hard, causing me to stumble a step back. “What the fuck did you do to my sister?”

“I didn’t do anything.” I frowned. “What the fuck do you think I did?”

“What do I know? You can never keep your hands to yourself. Gemma looked a mess. Maybe you thought you could steal a taste before the wedding. We both know how bad at patience you are.”

I locked gazes with him. “I really hope you’re not suggesting that I forced myself on Gemma.”

He scoffed. “If that were the case, you’d be dead.” He shook his head, taking a deep breath. “What happened, Savio?”

I shrugged. “She kept checking me out, so I showed her my bull tattoo. You should have seen her face.” I laughed, couldn’t help it.

Fury contorted Diego’s expression. “You can’t fucking do this! Do you get it?” Diego snarled into my face. “My sister’s never seen a naked man and she wasn’t supposed to until her fucking wedding night. You had no fucking right to show Copyright 2016 - 2024