Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,18

he not, but he wouldn’t talk to me. I’d done what I could. Maybe Diego could get through to him, but given my brother’s lack of empathy, that was unlikely.

Gemma 16, Savio 20

“You’re a life saver,” Toni said, wiping sweat off her brow. “With a fight like that, Dad needs all the support he can get but with the flu making the rounds things have been crazy.”

“Diego had it last week, don’t get me started on how much he whined because of a sore throat and dripping nose. He’s suffered bullet wounds, but he expects me to become his house nurse only because he’s got the flu.”

Toni rolled her eyes. “He’s used to being treated like a pasha because your nonna and mom always do everything for him.”

“It’s how things are handled in our family,” I said with a shrug as I carried a beer crate up the stairs and set it down behind the bar. “They would freak if they knew I was here helping you.”

“I know. But your dad hardly ever sets foot inside the bar. The last time was during that bloody meeting.”

I didn’t want to remember that day when I’d made a fool out of myself. Toni had freaked when I’d told her about the words I’d said to Savio. I only want you.

Maybe it had been a good thing though. I hadn’t seen him since that day six months ago and had time to cool down. Toni had gotten over her crush on my brother, so maybe there was hope for me as well.

I bent down to shove the beer crate farther under the bar.

“But you’d make a lot of tip money with your curves, let me tell you.”

I snorted, peering over my shoulder and finding Toni assessing my butt. “I’m fifteen.”

“Only one more day. And do you really think anyone in the Arena would care? And if we use the right amount of makeup, we could make you look older.”

“Antonia, I’m not going to serve drinks here tonight. You said you only needed me to help you prepare everything.”

She gave me a sheepish smile. “Yeah, well, we’re out of waitresses for tonight. It’s only Cheryl and me. I could really use your help.”

I straightened. “Toni! You know how my family is. If one guy as much as touches my back, they’re going to cut him into pieces. I’m not allowed to be around men, much less in a place like this.” I closed my mouth, worried I’d offended Toni. “Sorry.”

“No,” she said with a small shrug. “I know what the traditional families think of my family and this place. A good girl like yourself shouldn’t be seen around here.”

Now I felt like the worst friend on this planet. I sighed. “All right. But let me work the bar. That’s probably the place where butt-touching is the most difficult, even if that means I won’t get any tips.”

Toni squealed and jumped toward me, drawing me into a tight embrace. She drew back with a grin. “Oh, and you’ll get tips, trust me. Just wear those uber-tight white jeans and that red crop top.”

“I’ve never worn them.”

Toni shook her head. “I know! Which is why you should wear them tonight. You’ve had those clothes for two months, Gemma. With your body, it’s your duty to wear something like that.”

“Explain that to my family,” I muttered with a laugh.

“Come on, you’ve snuck out clothes before. You don’t have the guts to wear those jeans, that’s why you haven’t worn them yet.”

She was right. My upbringing made me uncomfortable in revealing clothes, even if I found them pretty. Nonna’s and Mom’s words had left an impact no matter how often I tried to deny it.

“Okay, okay,” I said. “I just have to figure out a way to sneak out after dinner tonight. I think I could make seven o’clock, is that all right?”

Toni nodded. “Sure, it usually gets really crowded around eight until around one. If you could be there then, that would be amazing.”

“One? Oh, man. If I get caught, Dad’s going to have my head.”

I yawned several times during dinner until Dad took pity on me and allowed me to go to my room so I could go to bed early.

I didn’t have a lock on my door so I had to hope that nobody checked on me. I rebuild the shape of a body with clothes on my bed then covered it with a blanket. My stomach burst with nerves when I checked my reflection. Copyright 2016 - 2024