Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) - Cora Reilly Page 0,120

know if he wanted to do this.

Then he proceeded to grip each of my fingers and licked them clean, not once taking his eyes off me and letting out a low hum. My core throbbed with every stroke of his tongue, completely mesmerized, mortified and aroused. Just imagining how that tongue and mouth would feel between my legs almost sent me over the edge again. He pushed my hand between my legs again.

“Gather your juices,” he ordered.

My eyes widened at the command in his voice, but I allowed him to guide my fingers. Then he brought my hand up again. This time he held it before my face. I gave him a questioning look. “Taste yourself, believe me, you’re fucking delicious.”

I parted my lips and let Savio push my index finger into my mouth. It was the first time I tasted myself. It was a heady, slightly sweet flavor.

Savio’s eyes seemed to darken as he watched me. My skin burnt fiercely. This wasn’t something I’d ever considered doing, definitely nothing my strict catholic upbringing would condone.

“We’re going to hell for this,” I whispered thickly when Savio had pulled out my finger again.

“Trust me, if this already gets you a ticket to hell, heaven isn’t a place you want to spend eternity in.”

I laughed. Trust Savio to say something sacrilegious and make me feel good with it.

His mouth pulled into a smile, for once neither arrogant nor teasing before he pressed a kiss to my mouth, moving even closer until his front was molded to my side and I could feel the very apparent proof of his desire for me against my hipbone. His tip slid over my skin, spreading the hint of moisture there that stunned me.

My brows snapped together. Had he come watching me?

“What?” he asked in a low voice.

I darted my eyes down, despite my shyness, and indeed his tip was glistening. “Did you…?”

His own brows pulled together, obviously not following my train of thoughts.

A subtle pulse throbbed in my temple as the words tumbled out of me. “You are wet. Did you…” I lowered my voice. “…come?”

Savio blinked and then his head fell forward, his nose burying in my throat. “Oh Gem. You’re killing me.” And he laughed.

He laughed at me.

Mortification washed away the hazy after-orgasm glow and I jerked away from him, trying to get out of bed. Savio wouldn’t have it.

His arm snuck around my waist, pulling me against him once more and holding on tight. I didn’t look at his face, instead I focused on the way the muscles in his shoulders flexed. Our naked skin touched in several places—his strong thigh against mine, his erection against my waist, his muscled arm against my belly—and it was impossibly wonderful. Even in my mortification, that fact didn’t go unnoticed.

His finger nudged my head up so I’d look at him. I glared.

“I keep forgetting how little you know.”

Was that supposed to make me feel better? It didn’t. Toni had talked me through most of the important things, but obviously she’d left out equally important information.

“Stop making fun of me. You know how I grew up.”

Angry tears burned the back of my eyeballs. One day I’d get a grip on my emotionality, but that day wasn’t today.

“Yeah,” he murmured, low and dark, as his eyes traced my face. His fingers brushed across my cheek and I caught the whiff of myself still imprinted on his skin. “Do you know when it really hit me that I needed to have you?”

I couldn’t see why it mattered now. I shook my head.

“When I saw you in your choir uniform after church two years ago.”

I huffed. “I think you mean when you saw me in the Arena in those tight pants.”

A slow smile, still with that dominant edge, curled one corner of his mouth upward. “That’s when I really took notice of you, but later in that pleated skirt and that modest blouse and Amish updo, I knew I needed to own you.” He paused. “I needed to corrupt my good innocent choir girl in every way I could.”

I blinked and swallowed. Savio ran his nose along my jawline then kissed the corner of my mouth before his possessive gaze hit me like a tsunami and pushed the air straight out of my lungs.

“I didn’t know you had a schoolgirl fetish,” I said, surprised I got a single word out of my tight throat.

Laughter rumbled in his chest. “I don’t. Not until you. But, damn it, Kitty, you make me Copyright 2016 - 2024