Twist of Fate (Taking Chances #2) - Tia Louise Page 0,85

you could come back to me.”

“I would.” He pulls me close again, exhaling. “And I’d never leave.”

Tears spill over my cheeks. We hold each other longer, until I know I have to let him go, until we have to say goodbye.

He leaves us at the security gate, holding up a hand, waving until he’s out of sight. I take Melody’s little hand, and the two of us walk slowly to the car. I open the door, and she climbs into her booster seat, pressing her face against the side and looking out the window.

“Want to get some ice cream?” I force a smile.

Her golden head bumps against the seat as she shakes it no.

“Mac and cheese poboy?”

She exhales heavily and shakes her head again.

It’s a gut punch, but I fasten her seatbelt and climb up front, steering the Bronco out of the parking garage. I turn right, and the tears fall. He fixed the horn when we got home.

Life goes on.

“You feel like going to school?”

She doesn’t say anything, and this lethargy in my hyperactive toddler aches my soul. I love him. I don’t want him to go, but she’s just a baby.

We get back to the store, and it feels so empty. I take her hand.

“If you want to stay home today, that would be okay.”

“Okay, Mommy.” Her voice is quiet. She picks up her pink football and climbs the stairs one at a time.

For a full minute, I stand considering turning the lock on the door, turning the sign, and making it a sick day for both of us. We could stay in our PJs, eat ice cream from the freezer, watch whatever movie she’ll be still for—or fall asleep in—and just be sad.

My fingers curl with decision when Spencer’s voice stops me. “I can only guess I’m getting weak in my old age.”

Looking over my shoulder, I see him standing in the entrance holding the purple art glass.

“Spencer.” I exhale a sob, crossing the space to hug him as the tears coat my cheeks.

He stiffens, patting my arms. “I didn’t realize it meant so much to you.”

He braces my arms, and I shake my head, stepping out of his hold and wiping my tears. “I’m sorry. It’s not that. I mean, it is that in a way, but it’s not that.”

His dark brow furrows, and he studies me. “What’s the matter?”

I’m still shaking my head, going to the counter to pull a tissue. I blow my nose loudly, and when I turn around, his eyes narrow.

“It’s that pituitary case, isn’t it? What did he do now?”

“Scout isn’t a pituitary case. Stop saying that.” I grab another tissue to finish drying my eyes. “He went back to L.A. He was offered the lead in this new film.”

“And he chose it over you.” Spencer’s deep voice is conclusive, but I push back.

“I told him to go. He needs to do this, or he’ll always wonder.”

Spencer slides a hand down the front of his blazer, I’m sure checking for snot on his expensive suit. The muscle in his jaw square moves. “You know, I always wondered why we never tried dating.”

I exhale a short laugh, drying a fresh tear. “I don’t think I could ever be one of your protégés.”

“I wouldn’t insult you that way. We’re more of an intellectual match.”

That sounds terrible, and not romantic at all. Still, I go to where he’s holding that purple vase, offering his version of comfort, and squeeze his arm appreciatively.

“Our chemistry doesn’t work, Spence.”

He gives me that look, and I take the vase. “You’re going to let Ms. Nelly have this?”

“You said she’s eighty-something?”

“Yes.” I carry the distinctive piece to the counter and wrap it in tissue.

“Perhaps you can keep tabs on it. If none of her descendants want it, I’ll buy the entire set.”

“That’s really generous—”

The door flies open, and in a swirl of auburn force, my cousin sweeps into the store. “Daisy…” Her navy eyes are round, and she comes straight to me, pulling me into a hug. “Ms. Alice was having breakfast with Mom. The minute she said he left, I came straight here. Are you okay?”

My throat aches, and I swallow more tears. “I’ve been better.”

She steps back, holding me at arm’s length and inspecting my face. “Oh, hon. I’m so sorry.” She pulls me into a hug again. “Want me to kick his ass for you?”

“You’ll have to get in line.” Spencer’s deep voice cuts in, and she turns to see who’s with us.

Their eyes meet, and Copyright 2016 - 2024