Twist of Fate (Taking Chances #2) - Tia Louise Page 0,79

a tiny piece of plastic. “You’re lucky it’s an old car. I pulled the fuse out.”

“Thanks.” I slip the tiny part into my front pocket.

My heart’s still beating too fast. Even in emergencies, I never use the horn. It always feels so rude. I slide my hand down the front of my overalls, and when our eyes meet, we both burst into laughter again.

“Oh, I could’ve just died!” Tears are in my eyes, and I shake my head.

Scout throws a muscled arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. “Good to know your solution to car problems is screaming.”

“At least I do something.” My arm is around his waist, and we walk up to the imposing building that houses Antiques Today.

The last time I was here, I was in a business suit and I had a middle office. I was somewhere around Number 3 in the ranking… or maybe not. I guess no one ever said that out loud. So much has changed.

“I can’t believe you drove all this way after I told you no.” Spencer stands at his bookcase in a sleek navy suit and gold tie with a hand on his hip. Scout waits at the door, leaning against the doorjamb with his arms crossed as if he doesn’t want to enter.

“I wanted to be sure it was how I remembered.”

“I could have sent you a picture.” He turns on his heel, going to his desk. “I’m glad you’re here, actually. I have a box of items from your dad’s store. The cleaning crew found them in a closet, and don’t worry. I’ve already spoken to my people about the oversight.”

He seemed pissed, but I skip over to the box in the back corner. “A Victrola! Did you see this?”

“Of course.” He lifts an envelope off his desk and reads it. “Mr. Dunne, wouldn’t you be more comfortable in a chair rather than lurking in the doorway?”


Spencer’s eyes flash, and they have a momentary clash of wills. I exhale a laugh and try to lift the box. “Heck! This thing must weigh fifty pounds.”

“Let me.” Scout leaves the doorway to help me lift the box. His muscles flex as he lifts it, and my head tilts to the side as I watch, blinking slowly.

Spencer clears his throat. “Karen told us she’s expecting this morning. She’ll be stepping down as head of the Southeast region in a month or two if you still want your old job back.”

His words snap me out of my lustful haze, and I sit back on my heels. “You’re kidding.”

“I never kid.” He cuts hazel eyes from me to Scout. “When you left you asked if I’d hire you again. Here’s your chance.”

My lips part, and I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me. “I confess, I felt like that chapter had closed.”

“Now it’s reopened.”

Blinking up, my eyes meet Scout’s, and he gives me an easy smile. It relaxes the tension in my chest. My old dream doesn’t feel so dreamy anymore in the light of this new day.

“Take your time and think about it.” Spencer walks around to sit in his chair. “She’ll be with us another month or so.”

“Thank you, Spence. You’ve always looked out for me.”

His tone is flat. “I have no idea why.”

Going to where he sits, I put a hand on his upper arm and lean down to kiss his cheek lightly. “Think about giving poor Ms. Nelly that vase. She’s so sweet, and it completes her grandmother’s collection.”

“I’d like to see that grandmother’s collection.” He’s still Mr. Freeze, but he’s melting slightly.

“That Spencer might not be so bad.” Scout puts the box in the back of the Bronco. “He acts like a dick, but he’s sweet to you.”

We jump in the cab, and I’m turning the key when he leans over, catching my chin and lifting my face for a kiss. “As long as he stays in his lane, that is.”

I put my hands on Scout’s cheeks and kiss him back, a little slower this time and with a touch of tongue. “You’ve never had to worry about him.”

We make it back to the village without a single honking incident, thank goodness, and in plenty of time to greet Melody when she gets out of school. Scout carries the box from the Bronco inside the store.

“Here. Help me with the Victrola.” I grab a cotton cloth as he lifts the old turntable out of the packing peanuts. It has a dull, mahogany case with black Copyright 2016 - 2024