Twist of Fate (Taking Chances #2) - Tia Louise Page 0,45

I nod. “Thanks for the tip.”

Hopping in the car, I don’t waste time heading back to Fireside. It’s not the Southeast region of Antiques Today, but I’m feeling energized about setting up my own store. I’ve got a good seven months before I’ll be too big and too busy to work full-time.

For now, I’ve got a lot of ground to cover… and a trip to L.A. to make. Ugh. Thinking about seeing Scout again, telling him I’m pregnant, floods my chest with anxiety. We had a fun time, but he never said it was forever. He had no problem telling me goodbye and moving on once he was in L.A.

I don’t know how he’ll respond to the news of a baby, and I have no idea how I’ll respond to how he responds. Dread turns to nausea whenever I think about it, so I don’t.

“It’s gay porn.” Mims Watson is in Aunt Regina’s kitchen holding out her phone when I enter. “My cousin Bruce sent it to me. He saw it on TMZ. He was kicked off the cast of this big new show Mighty Thunder when it came out he was a porn star.”

“What’s going on?” I slip in behind Sly, frowning at Mims.

Sly’s voice rises louder. “Mims claims she has some dirt on Scout. Something about how he went to L.A. and turned into a gay porn star.” My cousin blows air through her lips. “Like that would ever happen. Not that it matters, but Scout Dunne is about as gay as I am.”

“It’s right here.” Mims turns her phone towards my cousin.

“Scout’s not gay.” My voice is quiet, but I’m concerned. From what I understand porn is a dangerous business involving high-risk behavior.

“Like you’d know anything, For Sales.”

I can’t believe Mims just called me by that lame cutdown from high school.

“I actually would know.” I’m not sure why my voice sounds so small.

Sly studies Mims’s phone, and the concern in her voice makes my stomach twist. “Where did you get this?”

“I told you. My cousin sent it to me.” I look over Sly’s shoulder at the image.

It’s him. I’d recognize Scout’s perfect physique anywhere.

He’s standing upright, holding a football over his shoulder, looking for all the world like Michelangelo’s David—with the most important part blurred out. Still, I can fill in the blanks from my memory, erect and magnificent.

I imagine he’d be a very popular porn star if that’s what happened…

Mims snatches her phone back. “I’m not surprised. I gave Scout Dunne every opportunity in high school to be with me, and he never even made a pass.”

“So naturally he’s gay.” Sly’s voice is sarcastic.

“He’s not gay.” I say it louder.

My cousin joins the chorus. “You’re a two-faced, back-stabbing bitch, Mims Watson. This just proves it.”

“Becky said he’s been calling J.R. for the last month begging for money.” Mims sniffs, shoving a lock of hair over her shoulder. “Maybe he’s not gay, but you never know what people will do when they’re desperate.”

“I’ve got to go.” Squeezing Sly’s arm, I head out the door and jump in Aunt Regina’s Cadillac again.

It’s only a half-mile to J.R. and Becky’s small house on the outskirts of town. I’ve never visited, but I know how to get there. Pulling into the driveway, I study the small, red-brick structure with a rusty aluminum playset out front. Off to the side, an open space of ground looks like a perfect spot to practice football.

As I walk to the front door, I think about what I want to say… J.R. and I have never talked much, but I hope he’ll be able to help me.

I haven’t made it two steps when Becky’s voice stops me. “What do you want?”

Becky’s only a year older than me, but her voice is low and husky, like a smoker. Or one of those old movie actresses. She’s dressed in a faded pink house dress, and she’s not wearing any makeup, just some lipstick. She looks so much older now.

“Uh, hi, Becky. Is J.R. at home?” By contrast, I sound so young and so naïve.

“He’s at work. Why are you here to see my husband?”

She’s holding baby Jesse in her arms, and I step closer. “Oh, look at him. Can I hold him?”

She hesitates a moment before bumping the screen door open with her hip and passing the baby to me. I take him from her with a little dip, following her inside.

She almost seems glad to have him out of her arms.

He’s a beautiful little boy with Copyright 2016 - 2024