Twist of Fate (Taking Chances #2) - Tia Louise Page 0,30

around. Ask me whatever you want to know.” Daisy stays at the door as they pass through the entrance exclaiming and pointing out items to each other.

I stop beside her at the door. “Hey, Daisy.” My voice is low, and her shoulder rises slightly, almost like I touched her.

I want to touch her.

“How’s it going?” She blinks quickly and smiles, meeting my eyes briefly. “Ready to take off?”

“I think so.” I was pretty certain up until a week ago.

Her lips press together, and she nods. “Come on in and check the place out.”

“I’d like to see the master suite.”

Pink floods her cheeks. “It looks really good. I’ll be sure you get credit for helping hang the wallpaper and paint.”

“I don’t care about that.” Reaching out, I trace the back of my finger down the side of her arm. “I just wanted to see you one more time.”

“Here I am.” Her voice is quiet, and she holds out both arms, doing a little curtsey.

“Walk upstairs with me?”

Her arms lower, and she looks up the stairs. “Sure.”

I follow, watching her calves flex as she takes the steps, doing my best not to think about her naked little ass running all over the beach, bouncing on my pelvis as I fuck her… Last thing I need is a boner in front of my gran.

Clearing my throat, I banish those thoughts. “This should look great on your résumé.”

“Spencer already said Miles Klaut wants to hire me if I’m still interested.”

Spencer the douche. We’re on the landing, and I’m fighting these possessive thoughts. They’re inappropriate. I’m leaving in a few hours. She’s starting her life. It’s what should happen.

The door is open, and I stand behind her to peer into the elegant bedroom. Heat from her body radiates towards mine, and I want to slide my hands around her waist, lower my face and kiss her neck.

“I added these.” She steps forward, into the room and out of my orbit, motioning to ivory lace curtains. “Of course, you helped with the paper and the paint.”

A dark-wood king-sized bed is against one wall, and a matching dresser and armoire are arranged around the space.

“Call HGTV.”

She exhales a laugh, and I’m glad to see her smiling instead of looking uncomfortable all the time. “The bathroom turned out gorgeous. Come see it.”

I follow her, wanting her close to me again. I want to inhale her scent of caramel and magnolia. I want to curl my fingers in her hair and feel her warmth against my body.

It’s only going to make things harder, but I can’t leave this with her running out of the room after some pretty mind-blowing sex and hiding in the shower to cry.

We enter the open, white bath, and I have to admit, it’s luxurious. “Wow.”

“That’s my palindrome.” A smile hints at her lips, and the tension in my chest releases.

“It looks really good.”

“Thank you.”

“Not as good as you.” I try a wink, and her eyes narrow.

“It’s no use flirting with me. I’ve seen you in action.”

“I’m dead serious. You look amazing.” Stepping closer, I lower my voice. “I want to turn you around and flip that skirt over your cute little ass—”

“Shh!” She steps forward, placing her fingers just in front of my lips. Her cheeks flush, and she’s just so pretty.

Reaching up, I slide my thumb along a golden curl. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t.”

Her chin lifts, and I can’t resist. Lowering my face, I slide my lips over hers, pulling them in for a teasing kiss. She clutches the front of my shirt, and our mouths open, tongues colliding, heat spiking…

“And this bathroom is…” Sly’s loud voice sends us breaking apart. “Very interesting.”

“I was just showing Scout how it turned out.” Daisy motions around to the walls, but her face is beet red. “You know he helped me with the paint and the wallpaper.”

“What else did he help you with?” Daisy’s cousin smiles in the way that reminds me how she got her nickname.

Sly’s no dummy. We are stone cold busted.

“Oh, will you look at this!” Gran walks in the room with her hand over her heart. “I just can’t believe the transformation.”

“I’m so proud of my niece.” Ms. Regina walks over and puts her arm around Daisy. “You sweet thing, look how red your cheeks are. Don’t be embarrassed! Accept the praise. You earned it.”

Sly exhales a laugh, and I clear my throat. “I hate to break up the party, but I’ve got to hit the road soon.”

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