Twice a Wish (Goddess Isles #2) - Pepper Winters Page 0,76

best I could.

I tried to understand this new universe.

I didn’t know what I’d expected, but I’d braced myself for another cave. Another fire crackling, blizzard blowing, mildew painted prehistoric cave. I shuddered at the thought of another caveman coming to mount me without any introduction.

A moan tried to claw up my throat as my nipples hardened and a flush of heat worked its way down my belly to my core. Wild need licked under my skin, searching for relief.

Hugging myself, I tried to contain the bubbles and rapidly pinging lust within. I hadn’t prepared to find myself standing on some stoop with sun that felt so real beaming on my skin and the squeals of kids playing on their bike down the road.

Where was the man I’d been sent to?

Who would help me when I could no longer function as a girl and became a writhing creature instead?


My pussy clenched on nothing, sending another flood of heat through my insides.

Oh, God.

Sully might’ve given me an orgasm before my arrival, but it wouldn’t be enough. One would never be enough.

I need…

God, I need.


Stop it!

Sweat broke out over my forehead as heartbeat by heartbeat, my body became prisoner to its carnal wants.

Ignore it.

Just…ignore it.

Another full-body clench squeezed every cell. I swear each atom and molecule died a tiny orgasmic death. I shivered as my clit swelled for touch.

Not just any touch.

Rough handling and brutal use.

I wanted a man to cup me whole and let me grind on his palm. I wanted him to push me against this wall and fuck me.


I jolted with gluttony. Sexual gluttony I couldn’t ignore but had to feast on. My hand dropped to press against my pussy.

I tripped forward, losing my balance, and bracing myself against the doorframe.

My palm hit a button, sending a shrill ring slicing through the quaint neighbourhood.

My lust hiccupped, faced with a new threat.

The doorbell echoed within the house, announcing my arrival.

I waited to be found out. To be chased off this persons’ porch before I fell to my knees and tried to have sex with their doormat.

When no one came, I buckled over as another wave washed over me.

A hot and hungry wave, thick and cloying, filling my mind with sinning desire. As I swallowed hard, a horrendous thought filled me. If there was no one here. If Sully had sent me to a world where I was alone, I would resort to what I’d become when I’d first arrived. My fingers would ache from getting myself off. My wrists would snap from the pressure I’d use to pleasure myself.

I didn’t want it.

But…I couldn’t fight it.

I tore at the tie around my neck.


Glancing down, I gasped.

What the—

I wore…a restaurant uniform.

White shirt, blue tie, and grey skirt. Black high-heels, white knee-high socks, and a cute fishtail braid completed my café worker look.

Fear quickened my heart rate, tangling with my deranged lust.

What sort of fantasy had I stepped into?

Looking back at the curb, I debated running and knocking on all the doors. To try to find someone who could help me. Someone who I could tell my true name and had the power to pull me from this virtual program and save me from molestation.

But if I did that, I would provide them with a show.

A one-woman peepshow where all my inhibitions faded and the only thing that mattered was bliss. I wouldn’t care if they watched. I’d probably invite husbands to join me. I’d become someone I despised, all because I couldn’t stop the licking, hissing, snarling need in my blood.

I yanked at my hair.


I don’t have to give in.

I don’t!

Even as I cursed my weakness, I pressed my thighs tighter, adding friction to my throbbing clit. My breasts ached beneath my shirt. I fidgeted and fumbled, desperate to remove my clothes but still sane enough to fight.

I probably had another minute before I’d be reduced to masturbating on this doorstep.


I crumpled over, hugging my traitorous body as the door swooped open.

Instinct ordered me to move away.

I tripped backward, swallowing a groan at the delicious whisper of clothes over sensitive skin.

I straddled the border of climaxing and being severely tormented by a release that refused to shatter. I gasped as sweat ran down my spine, my body in the throes of passion when doing something as simple as standing on a stoop.

Feet filled my vision.

Bare, masculine feet that belonged to long legs encased in faded jeans. Wrapping my arms tight around my roiling belly, I dared look up.

My gaze locked on the face Copyright 2016 - 2024