Twice a Wish (Goddess Isles #2) - Pepper Winters Page 0,4

to the first, getting ready to squeeze my womb and ripple down my core.

“You don’t want me to fuck you?” His hand dropped around my waist, his fingers finding my clit just as his voice licked into my ear.

My second orgasm wrenched a sob-scream from my lips.

Once again, I vanished from the physical plane and shot into the astrophysical. I bounced around glittering, pulsing stars as my body came undone. I literally couldn’t tolerate the intensity, the magnitude of every atom committing suicide with rapture.

He growled as my inner muscles squeezed him, his pace turning erratic and hungry.

His strength scooted me forward along the earthen floor, smearing my cheek with dirt, painting me in the filth of what we were doing. My tears continued to rain, needing an outlet for my confusion just as my body needed his for relief.

His fingers threaded through my long hair, tethering me all while holding my nape. Breathing was difficult, my spine ached, and my knees burned, but all I could think about—all I cared about—was wringing out another orgasm and another and another…chasing the right to my own body again, determined to be sane and not this wild, unhinged creature.

His hands clamped on my hips, jerking me back as he snarled in some ancient tongue, jettisoning his release into me.

No condom.

No protection.

Just this stranger who’d claimed me for his own.

His body lost its throbbing tension as he withdrew. A splash of his cum mixed with mine and landed on the ground. I shivered as he slowly skated his hand from my nape and down my spine, over my ass crack to the slippery wetness between my legs.

I winced as he rubbed my clit, moaning and wanton as yet another climax demanded to be shed. I had too many stored inside me. I could see them. Little glowing orbs of sinful need, blinking blood-red eyes like demons, biting at me with lustful teeth. There was an entire nest inside me. A nest of rabid monsters, straining at their leash, desperate to escape and chew me apart.

“I asked you a question.” His voice lowered, his breath coming in quick exhales. “Three, actually.” Smearing our combined wetness on my thighs and up over my hipbone, he murmured, “Why are you crying? Because of what we did, what we will do, or because you liked it so much?”

With Herculean effort, I pushed myself off the ground and swivelled until I sat on my knees to face him. My breasts rose and fell with tattered breath, and even now, even after two of the most blistering orgasms of my life, I still needed more. The ache still brewed in my teeth and fingertips. My skin still sparked with sex and sickness. My heart skipped and tripped; unable to find a calming beat, it settled for mayhem instead.

He sat on his knees too, his cock still hard, glistening with our mixture. Angry and veiny, threatening me as much as tormenting me. “So?” He raised an eyebrow, playing with me.

Our gazes collided, and I swallowed back loathing, disgust, and, most of all, shame. I was ashamed of what I was. Mortified that I’d allowed him inside me without even knowing his name or his past or if he was safe to be with in this manner.

But Sully had said his elixir eradicated shame. That it freed us from the rules and barriers we’d put on ourselves. So why did I still fight?

Why, even though my body had given in…why did my mind still revolt?

My hands curled, and a flash as bright as a burning comet blazed with temper. I hated Sully. I hated what he’d made me become. That he believed I’d enjoy this.

Enjoy what exactly?

Being stuffed in some otherworldly dimension with a caveman who’d just taken his fill? Who already looked ready to take me some more? Or the fact that I already squirmed in place, fighting the urge to touch myself, biting my cheeks to ward off the overwhelming need to stick my fingers inside me and come.



With a sigh, I dropped my chin so my hair curtained all around me. Each strand had a tongue, licking my sweaty skin. Each crackle from the fire had heat, stroking me. Each icy breeze from behind the fur entrance had fangs, lacing me with frost, only to melt with my desire.

“You can talk to me…here, in this place.”

My hands balled as I looked up. My fingernails sliced into my palms, and instead of wincing in pain, I stifled a moan Copyright 2016 - 2024