Tuck - By Stephen R. Lawhead Page 0,68

that bit of French fluff beside you has addled your mind, you would know this.”

Her brother bristled. “Careful, Mérian dear, you will go too far.”

“I am sorry,” she said, changing her tone from haughty self-righteousness to appeal. She smoothed the front of her gown beneath her hands and began again. “I truly do not mean to offend. But if I cannot speak my mind here in this room among those who know me best, then perhaps I do not belong here anymore. In any event, the urgency of my errand leaves me little choice.” She licked her lips.“Baron de Braose has been banished from his lands and holdings in England and Wales, as you may have heard by now. Elfael is in the hands of Abbot Hugo de Rainault and the king’s sheriff, Richard de Glanville. Without the baron to back them up, they are weak. This is the best chance we’ve had in many years to drive the invaders from our land—but we must strike soon. The sheriff has brought more men, and we must act quickly if we are to keep our advantage. If you were to—”

“We know all this,” her brother interrupted. “Elfael belongs to the king now. I should not have to remind you that to go against Red William is treason. To raise rebellion against him will get you drawn and quartered at the White Tower and your pretty head fixed to a pike above the gates.”

“De Braose stole the land from Bran and his people. King William promised justice, but betrayed Bran and kept the land for himself.”

“He is the king,” countered Garran. “It is his right to do with it what pleases him.”

“Oh? Truly?” said Mérian, growing angry again. “Is that what you think? You would sing a different song if the king’s greedy eye was on your throne, brother mine. Or has Baron Neufmarché already bought your throne for the price of a wife?”

“Mérian!” warned her mother. “That is beneath you.”

“Non! S’il vous plaît,” put in the baroness. “Do not tax her so. She has had the . . . traumatisme, yes? She is not herself. In time she will see that the famille Neufmarché means only good for the people of this realm.”

“Thank you, Lady Agnes,” said Garran. “As always your judgement is most welcome.” To Mérian, he said, “Bran’s affairs are nothing to do with us. He has become an outlaw and a rebel and will pay with his life for his crimes. Of that I have no doubt.”

“Do not speak to me of crimes,” Mérian said, her face flushing hot. “Abbot Hugo and the sheriff rule with blood and terror. They hang the innocent and subject the Cymry living beneath their rule to all manner of torment and starvation. They are the real criminals, and chief among them is King William himself.” She tried one last desperate appeal. “Listen to me, please. Bran and his people are preparing for war. They mean to take the fight to the invaders, and there is every chance they can succeed, but they need help.” Glancing at Queen Sybil, whose face appeared unnaturally white and pinched with worry, she said, “Join us. Help us overthrow this wicked throne and restore the rightful king to Elfael.”

“No,” said her brother. “We will speak no more about it.”

“Then there is nothing more to say.” Mérian turned on her heel and prepared to walk from the hall and out through the gates. Stunned by her brother’s outright rejection, the only thing she could think was returning to Cél Craidd, and that if she hurried, she might make it back before the night had passed.

“Where do you think to go, Mérian?” King Garran called after her.

“To the greenwood,” she said. “I am needed there. It is plain to me now that I have no place here.”

“You will not leave the caer,” Garran informed her.

She spun around and stormed back to confront her brother. “Who are you to tell me where I will or will not go?”

“Father is dead,” Garran replied. “Until you are wed and have a husband, I am your guardian. Moreover I am king and you are a member of my household. You will obey me in this.”

“My guardian! When did you ever lift a finger to help me, dear brother?” demanded Mérian. Her defiance gave her a terrible aspect, but Garran stood his ground. “I am a lady in my own right, and I will not submit to your ridiculous rule.”

“You will never see those

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