Truth and Justice - Fern Michaels Page 0,89

stuff. Quick, let’s fold it all up and get out of here before she gets back here. Make sure the table is in the exact same spot so she doesn’t see anything amiss.”

“If she even suspects something, she’s going to take off. But considering the circumstances right now, she might not be in any condition to go anywhere but home to bed,” Alexis said.

“We need to make sure we’re not leaving any signs we were here. Check for water in the foyer, we did drip when we got here,” Kathryn said.

“I cleaned it up,” Yoko said, “but Kathryn is right, fan out and check everything you might have touched and didn’t put back in the right place.”

Ten minutes later, the Sisters were at the front door. “It’s still pouring rain. If anyone is looking out their window, they’ll be hard-pressed to identify any of us. Everyone, make a mad dash for the van; keep the door open and the engine running for me. I have to lock up,” Nikki said.

The girls followed Nikki’s instructions.

Within minutes, Maggie was careening down the road, her horn blasting for no reason.

“Why are you blowing your horn?” Kathryn shouted.

“I don’t know, Kathryn, I just felt like I should. You know, success and all that. It was a dumb thing to do, I admit it.”

“A text is coming in from Avery,” Isabelle said. “Sara is still inside urgent care. He said Matt said they have a lot of emergencies right now. Mostly car accidents. He said Duke went inside and looked around and tried to talk up one of the aides. He said he was trying to find out if a buddy of his was brought in. And then he did a bit of flirting and learned that prior to the sudden rush, only one patient came in and her condition wasn’t life-threatening. He said she would be discharged shortly. Duke thinks it’s Sara. He now has a dinner date for Saturday night with the nurse’s aide.”

The girls burst out laughing. “At least some good came out of this little caper,” Nikki said, and giggled. “And we got the brass ring in the bargain.”

“We need to decide what we’re going to do from here on in. As soon as we get to the farm, we’ll let Avery go through all these ziplock bags while we decide if Sara deserves the punishment we had planned for her. We have to keep in mind that she did not physically harm anyone. Yes, she’s a thief. We’re going on pure instinct when we say we think she was going to harm Bella. I do believe that is so, and for that reason I’m still okay on the punishment. We all agreed that she literally stole Bella’s eggs and Andy’s sperm. Obviously, the first insemination didn’t work. Who knows if the other six or seven will work. Regardless, Bella gave us our marching orders. She is the legal custodian of her husband’s donations and she wants them destroyed. Now, having said that, once Sara realizes the jig is up, if we don’t intervene, she’s going to go after Bella because there is no one else for her to blame,” Nikki said.

Myra, Annie, and Avery clustered around the rain-soaked women. Nikki handed over the ziplock bags, and the group ran up to the second floor to put on dry clothes.

“Is it all you thought it would be? Is it enough, Avery?” Annie asked anxiously.

“Enough plus more. I assume you want my people to continue with the surveillance. By the way, Matt just sent a text saying that Sara is on her way home, and they’re right behind her at a safe distance. Obviously, she’s going to be fine. If you no longer need my services, I’ll take my leave of you all. I’ll have my people stay on surveillance until you notify me otherwise.”

“One more thing before you go, Avery. Is there a way for you to jam Sara’s phone around seven o’clock this evening? Better yet, make it six o’clock,” Annie said.

“Not a problem. Does that mean I should be ready with my people for the send-off?”

“Eight o’clock will be fine,” Annie said primly. “We will call you. You can see yourself out while we retire to the war room. Thanks for your help on this mission.” The Sisters all echoed Annie’s thanks.

Yoko locked and double-bolted the kitchen door.

The mad scramble to the dungeons left the Sisters giggling hysterically. They had prevailed. Now all they had to do was finalize Copyright 2016 - 2024