Truth and Justice - Fern Michaels Page 0,86

said. “What about the fertility clinics?”

“Alexis and I are on that. We’ll see that Bella’s and Andy’s ah . . . um . . . donations are destroyed since that is what Bella wants,” Nikki said.

“That just leaves Sara with a million aliases. What should we do with her?” Annie asked, a tight edge to her voice.

“Even though we have liberated most of the assets that were in her name or any of the names we know about, we’re going to have our hands full trying to sort out the rest of her false identities and the various bank and brokerage accounts into which she placed what she swindled from her boyfriends, fiancés, and the like. Let us not forget that she is an outright thief. She stole Andy’s inheritance. She made Bella’s life miserable. How could she not tell that girl that her husband was dead? How? She has to pay for that?” Nikki said vehemently.

“We can do most of that for you and give you a summar y,” Avery said. “Then, if you want, you could attempt to repay some of the men she stole from, like Steve Conover.”

“All right, Avery, we’ll leave that up to you. Just let us know when you’re finished so we can wrap things up. Our big question right now is we have . . . Sara’s punishment all set up, but now that we think, I say think, she might have gotten herself inseminated and could be pregnant, it kind of throws us into a tailspin. Does anyone have any suggestions?” Myra asked.

No one did.

“Hold on, people, I’m getting a text from Matt. Oh oh!”

“What? What?” The Sisters crowded around the old spy to see what he was seeing on his special sat phone.

“Matt and Duke are following her. She backed her car out of the garage and roared down the road. He said the weather conditions are horrible. Right now he has no clue where she’s going. They’re right behind her. Don’t worry, they won’t lose her.”

“Something must have happened,” Annie said.

“On a night like this? What could happen? She got spooked watching TV? What? Could she be coming here to harm Bella? Avery, call Matt back and ask him which direction she’s going, this way or into D.C.?”

Avery did as instructed. He listened, then clicked off. “She pulled into a strip mall and parked in a handicapped space in front of an urgent care facility. Matt is right behind her. She’s getting out. Oh, this isn’t good. Matt said she’s leaving a trail of . . . of blood. Someone is at the door helping her. That’s it. She’s inside and out of sight. Matt and Duke will go in in a few minutes and pretend to be a relative to see what they can find out.”

“No!” the Sisters shouted as one.

“That will spook her, prove to her someone is watching her. They can’t go in until she leaves. If she leaves. They might decide to keep her for twenty-four hours for observation,” Annie said. “I’m thinking right now that we’re all thinking the same thing. She is probably having a miscarriage. Avery is right, this is not good for her but might solve our problem,” Annie said.

Kathryn jumped up. “Come on, girls, we gotta go. This is the perfect opportunity to go to her house and go through it.”

The girls raced to the stairs, leaving Myra, Annie, and Avery behind.

Myra looked over at Annie. “We’d just be in the way, Annie. They move a lot faster than we do.”

“Like it or not, Annie, Myra is right. Why do you think I let the young bucks do all the heavy lifting? There’s a lot to be said for standing on the sidelines and calling the shots.”

“Oh yeah, name me one thing!” Annie shot back. “Just one thing, Avery!” There was such menace in Annie’s voice, the old spy trembled.

“I was just trying to make you feel better. I hate it that I can’t be in on the action anymore. I admit it, it’s hell getting old. This is the next best thing, and as far as I can see, there are no other options.”

Myra laughed.

Annie grimaced. “When you’re right, you’re right. I wonder what they’ll find. Do you think we should tell Bella?”

This time Avery and Myra laughed.

“Ah, I see. You are assuming the two of them are . . . busy.”

“I’m not going to pretend I’m a seer or anything like that, but I do not see Bella jumping Copyright 2016 - 2024