Truth and Justice - Fern Michaels Page 0,71


Back inside the kitchen the Sisters sat around the table hashing and rehashing what they’d learned from Matt Spenser and Avery Snowden.

Annie raised her hands and waved them about to gain everyone’s attention. “So in the end, this whole . . . super mess comes down to a case of unrequited love. Do I have that right, and do you all agree?”

The Sisters’ heads bobbed up and down in unison. They all agreed that Annie was right and spot-on.

“What do you suppose Sara would have done if her brother hadn’t died? This whole mess just fell into her lap in a manner of speaking. She never once sought out Bella other than to break into her apartment, and we aren’t even a hundred percent sure she did. Would she have just stood off in the distance watching the couple, or would she have tried to ruin the marriage in some way? Personally, knowing what I know about Sara now, I think she would have eventually harmed Bella,” Annie said.

“I can see her trying to undermine Bella. I’m sure she did it with Andy’s other relationships, so why wouldn’t she do it with Bella? As far as she was concerned, Andy was hers. He belonged to her and her alone. She didn’t mind sharing him temporarily, but not for good. Marriage means children, family, the whole ball of wax. There would have been no room for Sara in that family. I only say that because I think Andy would have tried to include her, but she wouldn’t have wanted any part of that. Being the aunt to the children of the man you love was not in the cards for Sara Windsor. Like I said, Andy was hers. She wasn’t sharing,” Annie said.

“I see it the same way,” Maggie agreed.

“Me too. I could see Bella on an outing with Sara and Bella never coming back owing to some kind of cockamamie accident, arranged by Sara, of course,” Kathryn said. Yoko and Alexis nodded to show they agreed with Kathryn. Myra, Annie, and Nikki just shook their heads as they tried to comprehend the lengths Sara would go to try to win Andy’s love.

“Stop the presses, everyone. I have a text coming in from . . . drum roll, please . . . Mr. Paul Montrose!” Maggie cried excitedly. “Boy, that was quick!”

Everyone started to babble at once, drowning out what Maggie was trying to say. Annie shook the rafters with a whistle so shrill, Myra covered her ears. “You’re worse than a roomful of magpies. Calm down, be quiet, so Maggie can share Mr. Montrose’s text. The floor is yours, Maggie,” Annie said so softly that the girls had to strain to hear her words.

Maggie cleared her throat and read the brief text. “ ‘I would be more than happy to hop on the red-eye tonight and appear on your doorstep first thing tomorrow morning. Just give me your address. There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for Andy’s widow and Andy’s friends. I’ll help in any way I can. I can stay as long as you need me.’ ”

“Sounds like a sweet man,” Myra said. “First thing in the morning sounds really good to me. Will someone notify Avery and make sure he gets the message to his operatives who are surveilling Sara? We don’t want her taking off on us since she seems to be such a getaway expert. Matt and Duke might be tired and need to be relieved. Nights are long, and it’s easy to let your guard down at three in the morning.”

“Done. Mr. Montrose said he is partial to pancakes and would see us for breakfast,” Maggie said.

“Done. Avery said he’d pass the word to the boys,” Isabelle said. “He also said the shift changes at eleven, so they’re good for now.”

“I just sent Bella a text explaining the current situation. I told her to be over here at eight tomorrow morning. Wouldn’t it be nice if . . . if Mr. Montrose and Bella hit it off? He’s single, or at least he was according to Bella,” Nikki said.

“Ever the romantic, eh, Nikki,” Myra said softly.

“Always and forever.” Nikki sighed. “It’s just that Bella is so young to have gone through all that’s happened to her. We’re going to dump another load of misery on her when we tell her about Sara. How much is one person expected to suck up? She needs a break. So, yes, someone from her husband’s past Copyright 2016 - 2024