Truth and Justice - Fern Michaels Page 0,30

how Bella made it sound,” Myra said. “I’m not sure of this, but I got the impression the sister was older than Bella’s husband. Anyone think differently? Not that that means anything to the case. She’s older, so what?”

Maggie let out a loud whoop. “I got it! I got it!”

“Then by all means share!” Kathryn snapped.

“Sara Nolan was married to Steven Conover for three years. But it says here that her name was Sara Windsor Nolan Conover. So either she was married to someone else or she was adopted or the siblings had a different parent. When she was married to Conover, they lived in Baltimore. He still lives there. He’s a sculptor. I went on his website. His creations sell for five digits. They’re quite beautiful. He’s actually famous. No children. Their divorce was finalized the week that Bella and Andy were married. Sara, that’s the sister’s name, did not attend the simple justice of the peace ceremony in the courthouse. I’m guessing on this, but I think it doubtful that Sara even knew that her brother got married. I can’t find out what she does for a living or if she ever had a job. I can’t find a trail. Isabelle will have to try to find out her social security number so we can track her,” Maggie said, as she shuffled the papers in front of her. “According to this army report, the only address they have for Sara Nolan is the husband’s address in Baltimore. As we all now know, their records are hopelessly outdated. Back to you, Annie.”

“I was up a good part of the night, couldn’t sleep for some reason, so I went down to the kitchen to make some coffee and fiddle with the computer. Myra was there waiting for me because she couldn’t sleep either, so we more or less, sort of, kind of, started looking into things. We decided, and of course it will go to a vote with all of you, but we think Avery should go to Oklahoma and Kansas and find out everything he can about Major Nolan and the sister, Sara. He’s got the manpower, and we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin here.

“We also need to find out more about Bella. Doesn’t matter that she’s our client. Clients have been known to gild the lily, as the saying goes, so in the interests of leaving no stone unturned, we think it’s a wise move to have her checked out as thoroughly as her deceased husband is. So, later that’s up for a vote, too.”

“We need a tracker on the sister. That means a vehicle and her phone, and the only one I know capable of placing and monitoring them is Avery Snowden. Once we locate her, I want her under surveillance twenty-four/seven. My gut is telling me she’s the key to this whole sorry mess,” Alexis said. “Avery will be able to do all of that plus more depending on what he runs into for us, and that frees us up to do other things. Avery’s people will be able to get the sister’s early background, but we need to know what happened to her, the how, the what, and the when of it all when she left Oklahoma, probably around the age of eighteen or so.

“And, of course, we need someone to talk to the ex-husband. I’m thinking he is going to be a gold mine of information. Who’s up for that? I can’t go because I have to update and replenish my red bag. I’m dangerously low right now, and that’s not good when we’re just about to start a mission.”

“I’ll take the ex-husband,” Nikki said, smacking her hands together in gleeful anticipation. “Maggie, you want to partner up with me?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Maggie said smartly. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Myra scribbled some notes on a legal pad. It was how she kept track of what she called “all the little and also the big details,” because she hated using her laptop. More often than not, at least once a day, she professed her deep hatred for all things electronic. One of her favorite sayings was, “Just give me a piece of paper and a pencil with an eraser, and I’ll see you at the finish line.” Most times, her boast was on the money.

Annie held her hand up. “Yoko, how about if you and Kathryn take on the Samaritan Clinic. I think you two look the part of prospective clients. Don’t make an Copyright 2016 - 2024