Truly, Madly, Deeply (The Baxters #31) - Karen Kingsbury Page 0,91

looked at him. “Would you dance with me now, Tommy? Could you?”

The smile on his face had never wavered, not since she told him the news. “Why yes, my princess.” He stepped back and twirled her, just once slow and steady. As if he knew not to push the limits. Then he linked his hands at the back of her waist and swayed with her. “Do you hear the music?”

Her senses filled with the presence of him. “Yes.” She blinked the snowflakes from her eyelashes. Mixed in the melody of the slight wind in the evergreen branches was a song of hope and praise and love… because they were here and she was whole and it was snowing. And Tommy Baxter was dancing with her. She looped her arms around his neck and moved just a little closer.

Tommy’s eyes locked on hers and the world fell away. “Is it okay”—his voice was a whisper—“if I kiss you?”

Another quiet laugh came from deep in her heart. “That’s all I want. In all the world.”

And as the snow fell harder, as they danced on the basketball court at White River Park, Tommy kissed her. “Mmm, love. You’re healed.”

“And I’m going to make that app, Tommy.” She looked deep at him. “I’m going to help those kids.”

“I know. You will.”

His body was warm against hers and Annalee savored the feeling. Everything about him, his kiss and his presence, his kindness… all of it was intoxicating. Tommy was whole and strong and he was hers. That alone gave her hope. “I’ve dreamed of this day.” She drew her head back and smiled at him. “I can’t believe it.”

“Not me.” He chuckled, and his eyes saw straight through her. “I believed the whole time.” They both knew that wasn’t true. But she appreciated his positivity. Always showing her his bravest face throughout her fight.

“I love you, Annie.” With a feather-soft touch, he worked his fingers along the sides of her neck to the back of her head and he kissed her again. A kiss that told Annalee the depth of his feelings.

And how important this hour was in the story of their lives.

Annalee closed her eyes as they kissed once more. “I love you, Frank.” Neither of them knew what tomorrow held. Not for Tommy after he got his badge or for her at those future scans. But they had this beautiful day, shining like a diamond. So she would thank God for every minute. For the answers this morning and the hope the news would breathe into her every tomorrow.

And she would ask God that one day in the not too distant future, the dance might be indoors in front of everyone they loved. And she wouldn’t be wearing a winter coat.

But a wedding dress.

* * *

IF SOMEONE WOULD’VE woken him up, Tommy wouldn’t have been surprised. Everything about this moment felt like a dream. He pulled her close and swayed with her, his cheek against hers.

He had dreamed of this day, but he had been terrified of it, also. Putting one foot in front of the other. Always seeking God. Always believing. Like Mary and Joseph. He ran his hand over her hair. And yes… Annalee had told him to think of the wig as her hair. “It’s mine,” she had told him. And so it was.

Soon he had to get her home. She was cancer-free, but she needed to be careful. Take her time regaining her strength. He faced her. “This is real… right?”

“Yes.” Her eyes sparkled brighter than the snow. “As real as us.”

Again he held her close and this time he closed his eyes. How differently this day could’ve gone? He hadn’t wanted to think about it, but sometimes—in the dark of night—his fears would wake him. Leave him gasping for air, his heart racing.

Like the night when the ice broke and Annalee disappeared in the freezing water.

He shuddered and let the image go. That wasn’t happening. The ground beneath their feet was solid and she was dancing in his arms. She had no evidence of disease! And to celebrate the fact, God had given them this gentle snow. Falling all around them, landing on their faces and reminding them of His power.

His beauty.

His morning.

No matter how dark the night had been.

Tommy breathed in the sweet smell of her. He never wanted to let go, but in these last minutes before he took her back to her house, he etched the memory of this time forever in his heart. So Copyright 2016 - 2024