Truly, Madly, Deeply (The Baxters #31) - Karen Kingsbury Page 0,41

think that’s been happening gradually.”

Reagan pulled up a second chair and positioned it next to Donna. “What’s the plan? For her treatment?”

“Her doctor is taking it very seriously.” Donna didn’t look away from Annalee. “Six rounds of chemo, every couple weeks. Three days in the hospital with each session.”

A few years ago, one of the teachers at Northside had been diagnosed with lymphoma, but her treatment was very different. Outpatient, one day a week off and on for six months. Reagan didn’t bring that up. “I’m sure every patient’s plan is different.”

“Yes.” Donna glanced at her and then back at Annalee. “Same with the side effects.”

Tommy’s announcement suddenly didn’t seem that important. Reagan couldn’t imagine being in Donna’s chair, watching her child suffer through chemo and having no idea how things would turn out. Silence fell between them and for a moment, Reagan closed her eyes. Lord, heal her. Please get her through this and let her live.

She put her hand on Donna’s shoulder. “What about the side effects?”

“Well…” Donna kept her voice low since Annalee was still asleep. “She’ll have steroids in the coming week and antinausea medicine.” She looked back at Reagan. “It could take two weeks for her hair to start falling out. It varies.”

Reagan felt her heart sink. Annalee was a beautiful girl by any standard. But she was known for her long blond hair. Hair that other girls longed for and no beauty salon could produce from a bottle. Reagan had assumed Annalee might lose her hair, but now it was certain. The loss would be one more thing the girl would suffer through.

Annalee stirred, and Donna moved to her side. “It’s okay, sweetie. I’m here.”

“Mom.” She moaned and turned her head one way then the other. After a few seconds she blinked her eyes open. “I… don’t feel good.”

“I know, honey.” Donna set her shoulders. As if she was determined to find some untapped personal strength, anything to help bear her daughter’s burden. “The doctor’s getting you medicine for that.”

“Okay.” Annalee looked at Reagan and smiled. “Mrs. Baxter… you didn’t have to come.”

“I wanted to.” Reagan stayed in her chair, but she leaned closer. “We’re all praying for you. That you’ll be better soon.”

“Yes.” Annalee nodded. “Me and Tommy are praying… that same thing.” She closed her eyes and in no time she was asleep again.

“They’re giving her something to make her sleep.” Donna sat back down. Her eyes never left Annalee. “I’m just… I can’t…” She hung her head and her body began to shake.

Reagan slid her chair closer and put her arm around Donna’s shoulders. “You and Dan will not walk this alone.” Emotion tightened her throat and she took a few seconds to find the words. “Today I’ll tell the school. At the assembly, like you asked.” Reagan hugged her friend close. “The whole Northside community will be with you. Every day. Every hour.”

Donna turned to her. “Dan will be here after lunch. It’s a lot for him, balancing work and visits to the hospital. He wants to be by her side through it all.”

“Annalee knows that.” Reagan paused. “There’s no easy way to get through something like this.” She checked the time on her watch. “I need to go. Please… tell me if I can do anything.”

“I will.” Donna stood and walked Reagan to the door. “Tommy has been amazing. He was here all day yesterday. He’ll be here this afternoon, too. When school lets out.” She managed the slightest smile. “He’s a great young man. You must be… very proud of him.”

Very proud. Reagan felt the words like a cut to her heart. “Yes. We are.” She didn’t let her deeper concerns show as she hugged Donna. “I’m here for you.”

Reagan walked down the hall and took the first elevator. You must be very proud of him. She squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds. Did Donna know Tommy was considering police work? No, that wasn’t possible. He wouldn’t have told Annalee’s parents before he told his own.

The truth was, Reagan had so much to be proud of when it came to her oldest son. So why had she treated him so terribly in the face of his news? She should’ve reacted like Luke. Sure, Son, she could’ve said. That’s wonderful. When do you think you’ll apply to the department?

Instead she had alienated him and let him go to bed hurt and angry.

Reagan reached her car and slid behind the wheel. Of course she was proud of Tommy. Copyright 2016 - 2024