True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,9


“Lucy hasn’t got that down yet,” Beth said.

“Yeah, but she’s shorter.” Eva admired the heck out of Lucy. “And a newbie. Give her another year as a Babe and she’ll be strutting around like the rest of them.”

Beth laughed. “She needs to get platform boots.”

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” Henri’s clear voice quieted the crowd immediately. “Welcome to Apple Grove’s first-ever bachelor auction!” Cheers and applause followed. She waited for it to die down. “I’m sure you’re eager to start the bidding on our dashingly handsome bachelors. First, though, let’s hear from the founder of Raptors Rise, Zane McGavin!”

“Hey, he’s cute,” Fiona murmured as the crowd applauded for Zane. She pulled out the flyer. “Is he one of the—”

“He’s married,” Eva said.


Zane acknowledged the crowd’s enthusiasm with a brilliant smile. Then he nudged back his hat with his thumb. “Folks, I can’t tell you how much that welcome means to me. I dreamed about creating a sanctuary for birds of prey when I was a teenager. Back then I thought establishing Raptors Rise in Eagles Nest would be the ultimate high.”

He took a breath. “Expanding the project to Apple Grove has shown me that I didn’t dream big enough. I’m grateful to Henri Fox for donating the land and to all of you for generously supporting a second location for Raptors Rise.”

The crowd responded with more energetic applause.

Zane’s voice became gruff with emotion. “Because of you, the magnificent eagles, hawks, owls and falcons who live in this valley will have a sanctuary where injuries are healed and orphaned chicks get a second chance. The information center will educate and advocate for the birds and a sustainable environment that will benefit us all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” With a tip of his hat, he stepped back from the mic as the crowd roared its approval.

Henri returned. “Thank you, Zane. Beautifully stated.”

Fiona nudged Eva again. “Is he happily married?”

“Very.” Eva grinned at her. “Put your tongue back in your mouth.”

“Before we start,” Henri said, “I need to make a few more introductions. Please hold your applause until I’m finished. Our auctioneer will be Ellie Mae Stockton, a veteran events coordinator from Eagles Nest who has a background in the film industry.”

A woman dressed in tailored jeans, high-heeled boots and a sequined black Western shirt came forward.

Beth glanced at Eva. “Do you know her?”

“Haven’t a clue. I heard that Ed was going to be the auctioneer.”

“Our facilitators,” Henri said, “include our own Babes on Buckskins.” She gestured toward the six women who stepped up on stage. “We’ll be assisting our bachelors.”

The Babes received a warm welcome from the stands.

“Joining us from Eagles Nest,” Henri continued, “are the six women of the Whine and Cheese Club, staunch supporters of Raptors Rise. They’ll escort our top bidders to the Winner’s Circle where winner and bachelor can meet and discuss their planned activity.”

“Yikes.” Fiona sucked in a breath. “I didn’t expect we’d come face-to-face tonight.”

“No chickening out,” Beth said. “You promised.”

“It’ll be fine,” Eva said. “Just confirm the arrangements and thank Leo for volunteering to do this. No big deal.”

“Easy for you to say.” Fiona gave her a look. “You’re just hiring a handyman. He’s not taking you on a date.”

“True.” Instead, in the unlikely event she won, she’d have a muscular cowboy tromping around in her house and working shirtless in her backyard tomorrow. For twelve hours.

As the music swelled and the crowd grew restless with anticipation, she faced the truth of Fiona’s comment. A bachelor auction had a sexy vibe.

Oh, well, didn’t matter. She wouldn’t win.

Chapter Five

Let’s get on with it. Nick’s plan to relax and have fun disintegrated under the pressure of his impending performance. The double doors at the back of the arena were open a crack so the bachelors could hear what was going on inside.

Each of them held the reins of the horse Ed had provided for their use, except for Jared, who’d brought his gray gelding. Nick had a big caramel-colored palomino named Thor. At least he’d make his entrance on a showstopper horse.

Half of the guys stood to one side of the doors and half on the other, staying in the shadow of the building. Even when the doors opened, only the cowboy riding through would be visible.

Ben had appointed himself head wrangler. Fine with Nick. Ben had volunteered to kick off the action and demonstrate how simple it would be. Yeah. Jumping off a cliff was simple, too.

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