True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,65

A mandatory Brotherhood meeting.”

“I’ll go for a walk.” Garrett finished wiping down the sink and draped the dishrag over the faucet. “I’m not—”

“It’s fine with me if you stay.” Matt took a seat. “You know what this is about and I’d value your insights. Everybody else agree?”

What this is about? Nick cringed. Yeah, he was outta here. He glanced over at Rafe and tipped his head toward the front door. Rafe nodded.

Meanwhile chairs scraped as the others took seats and urged Garrett to stay if he was willing. He sat down.

Leo looked in Nick and Rafe’s direction. “You gonna join us?”

Nick edged toward the kitchen door. “Unfortunately, I can’t. Lucky Ducky was limping a bit today. Rafe and I need to head down to the barn and check out his right front hoof.”

“Hey, Nick,” Jake said. “I got a haircut this morning.”

Damn it. There was the bait. He took it. “How’s she doing?”

“I’d tell you except you’re leaving.”

He gazed at Rafe, who shrugged, leaving it up to him.

“Look,” Matt said. “We’ll talk about you whether you’re here or not. You never know. We might even come up with a helpful strategy or two.”

He shook his head. “I appreciate the thought, Matt, but you’re wasting your time.”

“Could be.” He smiled. “But what else have you got?”

“Aw, hell, bro.” Rafe started toward the table. “Matt’s right, as usual. We got nothin’. Let’s give this a shot.”

“Okay, but I need liquid fortification.” He walked over to the fridge. “Anybody else?”

“I’ll take one,” Rafe said.

“Me, too,” Matt said, “but just one. I figure after we hash this out, we’ll hit the Moose.”

Rafe stiffened. “Are we gonna invite the ladies?”

“Not tonight. It’ll be just us.”

“Okay.” He exhaled and leaned back in his chair. “Good.”

Nick passed everyone a cold one and settled into a seat next to Rafe. “Let the games begin.” He looked across the table at Jake. “Whatcha got, bro?”

“First off, she’s in no better shape than you.”

“Is that supposed to make me happy?”

“No, but if she’s upset, she’s into you.”

“I know she is. And she’s fighting it tooth and nail.”

“Because she’s scared.”


“Terrified. Pulling into her shell, just like I did when I figured out what Millie wanted from me. I knew I’d fail. I don’t know what Eva’s afraid of, though.”

“Change, I guess.”

Matt shook his head. “I don’t think that’s it. I wish I could’ve brought Lucy—”

“To a Brotherhood meeting?” Rafe looked scandalized.

“Would’ve been fine, but she couldn’t make it. Something with the Babes. Anyway, we talked about Eva. Lucy maintains she’s a risk-taker.”

“Yeah, I’d have to agree with Lucy,” CJ said. “Eva opened the salon with Josette in an unfamiliar place. Starting a small business takes guts, even when you know the area. Just ask Izzy.”

“Buying that house was a bold move, too,” Rafe said. “It’s a big responsibility and she’s lived in the apartment over the salon for ten years. I don’t think she’s scared of change.”

Nick gazed at Jake. “Are you sure she’s afraid of something?”


“It’s marriage.” Rafe sighed. “Just like Kate.”

“Yeah, and her Aunt Sally convinced her being single is the way to go,” Nick said. “She’s determined to stick to that plan.”

“Determination is a different animal.” Jake leaned forward, his gaze intent. “If that’s what I’d seen in her eyes today, I would’ve advised you to give up on her. But I saw fear, bro.”

Matt frowned. “Which makes sense if we’re talking about Kate after what she’s been through. But Eva’s never been married.”

“Neither had I,” Jake said. “But marriage terrified me.”

“Except it wasn’t marriage itself that scared you.” Nick gazed at Jake as the pins slowly shifted and the lock gave way. “You thought you’d turn into your father.”

He nodded. “And I’d ruin Millie’s life.”

Nick dragged in a breath and glanced around the table. “I know what Eva’s afraid of.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

This was more like it. Although Eva couldn’t drink the champagne that was flowing like water, she had a contact high from the rowdy group of women crammed into the salon to watch Ellie Mae’s hair transformed from brunette to blue. The front door was propped open so anyone who needed more room could head out to one of the tables on the sidewalk.

Lucy and Henri had each given her a hug when they’d arrived but thankfully hadn’t asked any questions about the situation with Nick. Eva had taken Lucy aside to ask if the rest of the Babes knew about the breakup. They didn’t.

What a relief. She could relax and enjoy kidding around with Ellie Mae Copyright 2016 - 2024