True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,54

be here. Eva locked the deadbolt and hurried through the tidy shop.

“I’m here,” she called out as she climbed the stairs. “Better stop talking about me.”

“We can’t,” Fiona called back. “You’re the most fascinating topic we have. We’ve rehashed what I found out yesterday and we could use an update.”

“Aw, come on.” She reached the top of the stairs. “You guys had dates last night. You know all you need to about Nick and me. I want to hear what happened with Leo and Jared.” She crossed the neat-as-a-pin living room to a small dining table where they both sat drinking wine and eating cheese and crackers.

Fiona pushed back her chair. “Yay, you remembered the brownies.”

“Of course I did. I promised I’d make some.”

She stood. “Ah, but when your body is flooded with happy hormones, your mind could be taking a temporary vacay.”

“Stop, stop. It’s not like that.”

“Don’t listen to her.” Fiona turned to Beth. “I saw what I saw. Those two were on fire.”

“I believe you. Look at her face. It has that orgasmic glow.”

“Oh, for pity’s sake.” If it hadn’t before, it did, now.

“Have a seat, lucky lady.” Fiona reached for the brownies. “I’ll fetch you some wine.”

“You don’t have to wait on me. I can get it when I put these in the fridge.”

“No, let me. You should conserve your energy. Is he coming over later? We wanted to bet on it except we both think he is.”

She surrendered the brownies and took a seat. “He’s coming over later. I told him I’d leave here about nine and text him to let him know.”

“Awesome!” Beth left the table, went into the living room and came back with a small Racy Lace shopping bag. “This has your name on it.”

Eva blinked. “Oh, Beth, you don’t have to—”

“I’ve thought of you every time I looked at this. Take it and enjoy.”

She opened the bag and pulled out a filmy, knee-length nightgown with thin straps and a low-cut bodice. Shades of blue and green blended into each other in a kaleidoscope of color. “It’s beautiful.”

“She showed it to me earlier.” Fiona poured wine into Eva’s glass and topped off the other two. “Talk about perfect. It matches your eyes and your hair.”

“I love it.” Eva got up and gave Beth a hug. “I have nothing like this. I had no reason to have sexy nightwear, but—”

“Now you do.”

“Thank you for figuring that out.” She gave her another hug and grinned. “I could say I’ll think of you when I wear it, but I’d be lying.”

“I hope to hell you’re not thinking of me! Come on, we need to toast.” She raised her goblet. “To the exciting new chapter in Eva’s life.”

“Hear, hear!” Fiona clinked glasses with them.

Eva took a sip. “You two look pretty darned happy. Does that mean things went well last night?”

Beth grimaced. “It means we got an early start on the wine.”

“That bad, huh?”

“I’ll let Fiona speak for herself, but Jared behaved like he was my big brother. The drive-in was fun. Neither of us had seen the movie and we laughed like crazy. On the way there and back, we talked mostly about business. He made not one move to indicate he’s sexually interested in me.”

“How frustrating.” Eva put down her glass so she could fold her nightgown and tuck it in the bag. “Did you consider making a move on him?”

“I might have if we’d had one of those pregnant pauses where you’re just sure something has to give. That never happened. When he left me at my door he tipped his hat. I was ready to knock it off his head.”

Fiona giggled. “You should have. That would have grabbed his attention.”

“I think he really likes you,” Eva said. “Something’s holding him back.”

“Well, I give up. This was the perfect opportunity and he blew it. I think Fiona’s situation is more hopeful, in a way.”

Fiona shook her head and took a gulp of her wine. “No, it’s not. I’m tongue-tied around Leo. He’s too gorgeous for words. Ha! That’s why I can’t say anything when I’m with him. Too gorgeous for words.”

“I hear he doesn’t think of himself that way,” Eva said. “Did you have an adult beverage during dinner?”

“No, because I’d rather be tongue-tied than babbling like an idiot. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I get a lot more talkative when I’m drinking.”

“We’ve noticed,” Beth said. “That’s Eva’s point. A little alcohol would loosen your tongue.”

“And I could start saying stupid things.”

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