True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,47

to her release.

His low, intimate murmur fanned the flames. “Tell me what you like.”

Her reply was a breathless whisper. “All of it.”

His nostrils flared as he breathed deep and paused. “Almost lost focus.”

“Lose it.” She tightened her muscles around his cock.

He gasped. “Keep doing that and I—”

“Come on, Nick. Go crazy with me.” She squeezed once more.

With a groan of surrender, he changed the rhythm, his powerful thrusts making firm, rapid contact that threw her into sensory overload… and over the brink.

With a startled cry, she fell into a whirlpool of pleasure. As her world spun, she wrapped her arms around Nick’s broad back. Eyes closed, he shuddered in the throes of his climax and gasped out her name… over and over.

Eva lay sprawled on the rug, easily as undone as she’d been after her first Nick-induced orgasm. Except that time, she’d been stripped down and made love to in the seclusion of her attic.

Presently she and Nick were in full view of anyone who happened to walk up on the porch and look through the screen door. Late afternoon sunlight through the windows would allow a visitor to see… everything.

That hadn’t mattered when Nick was kissing her senseless and pulling off her clothes in preparation for driving her insane. But this particular party was over.

His warm and slightly sweaty body rested lightly against hers. He hadn’t given her his full weight or she’d be squished. His breathing was steady again, though.

Could he possibly be asleep? She’d heard of people sleeping standing up. Maybe Nick could sleep balanced over the woman he’d just gifted with a climax.

She tapped him on the shoulder. “Are you awake?”

“Yes, ma’am.” His voice was muffled against her shoulder, where he’d rested his head.

“We need to move.”

“I was just thinking that. Hate to. But I need to take care of the—”

“That’s not all. If someone showed up at the door, they’d get an eyeful.”

Raising his head and pushing himself up another couple of inches, he glanced toward the screen. “Didn’t consider that.”

“Neither did I.”

“You expecting anyone?”

“No, but I wasn’t expecting Fiona, either.”

“Good point. Close your eyes.”

She grinned. “Just because I can’t see someone at the door doesn’t mean they can’t see—”

“I need you to close your eyes so I can make my exit. There’s nothing sexy about a guy disposing of a condom, let alone when he’s managed to hogtie himself with his jeans.”

“Oh.” She pressed her lips together but a tiny snort of laughter escaped, anyway. “Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh, but you paint an interesting picture.”

“Don’t think about it.”

“Climbing the stairs to the bathroom in that condition could be dangerous.”

“Which is why I’m not doing it. You have a trash can and a laundry sink on the back porch.”

“Clever. Did you have that figured out when we started this maneuver? Because if you did, I’m impressed.”

He gazed down at her. “I didn’t have anything figured out except that you were wearing almost no clothes and I had a condom in my pocket.”

“Just one?”

He lifted his eyebrows. “Should I have brought more?”

“Hel-lo. This is our first night together, and considering our track record, I hardly think one condom is…” The twinkle in his eyes finally registered. “How many?”

“Three, now.”

“That’s more like it.”

“I would’ve brought all the ones in my drawer under the bunk, but I didn’t want to presume.”

“Presume what?”

“That this is the start of something and I’ll need them all eventually.”

She searched his gaze. A hint of uncertainty lurked there. And vulnerability. “It is the start of something, at least in my mind. But I have no idea what that something is. I’ve never had this kind of reaction to a guy.”

“You mean to my sweat?”

“Not just your sweat, evidently. You arrived tonight fresh from a shower and I still wanted to jump you.”

“Nice to know.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “Give me to the count of five and I’ll be on my way down the hall. Promise you won’t look in that direction.”

“I promise.”

“Thanks.” He gave her another quick kiss. “Close your eyes.”

She did. It was the least she could do. After slowly counting to five, she rolled to her side facing away from the hall. “How’s it going?”

“Let’s just say I’ll plan better next time.”


“Not a one. I’d do it all again. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in five minutes.”

“For chili?”

“Yes, please. I’m starving.”

“I’ll be there.” Getting to her feet, she put on her tank top and shorts while she avoided glancing toward the hall. His shirt was gone so Copyright 2016 - 2024