True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,12

skinny dipping in the creek episode, the stargazing on the roof incident, and the—”

“Yeah, yeah.” She laughed. “Point taken.”

“So I meet up with Eva in the Winners’ Circle. What then? Are you gonna hang roses around our necks?”

“Wish we’d thought of it.”

“Glad you didn’t.”

“Mostly you drink apple cider and eat munchies with the other bachelors and winners. Henri and Ben are back there with Jared and Beth.”

“Beth who?”

“Owens. Her shop is next to Jared’s.”

“Oh, yeah. Racy Lace.”

“Ever been in?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Well, if you ever need to buy something sexy for a special lady, that’s the place. And speaking of sexy, did you wash that shirt in hot water to make it shrink?”

“I washed it in hot water by accident. Figured I’d use it for work. Then Eva said I should wear something snug, so I did.”

“Eva was right.” She rounded the bleachers and gestured to a roped off area with a sparkly sign that said Winners’ Circle. “This is where you’ll be hanging out, and here come Henri and Ben to greet you. I need to skedaddle. Congrats on a great ride.” She gave his shoulder a squeeze.

“Hey, son.” Henri walked toward him, a bottle of cider in her hand and a smiling Ben by her side. “That was terrific.”

“Thanks, Henri.”

“Good job, buddy.” Ben shook his hand.

“You’re the flashy one, Ben, standing in the stirrups, doffing your hat to the crowd. Ever done any stunt riding?”

“When I was younger and dumber.”

Henri flashed him a grin. “And now you’re older and….”

“Still dumb. Halfway into that stunt my left knee threatened to give out.” He winked at Henri. “But I got lucky.”

She arched an eyebrow. “We’ll see about that.”

Nick choked back a laugh. Henri was flirting. Never thought he’d see the day. Promised to be entertaining as hell.

Henri glanced at him. “So who won the bidding? We couldn’t hear very well back there.”


“Eva won?” Beth had come out of the Winners’ Circle with Jared and she hurried toward him.

“Yes, ma’am.”


“Hey, Nick,” Jared said, “do you know Beth? Her shop is—”

“Next to yours.” He tipped his hat. “Pleased to meet you.”

“Same here, Nick.”

“Unfortunately, I’ve never been inside your place.”

“No worries. Guess you haven’t had a reason.”

“No, ma’am.” Still didn’t.

She glanced over his shoulder and waved. “Here comes your winner.”

Nick turned. Eva’s smile had a touch of—what was the word? Bravado. Like she’d done something outrageous and was daring him to comment on it. So maybe he wouldn’t.

Deidre had an arm around her waist. “Nick Le Grande, it’s my privilege to present Eva Kilpatrick, your winning bidder.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Eva and I—”

“I’m aware you two know each other, but I love my job and I’m going to do it whether you need me to or not.”

Nick grinned at Eva and the light of challenge in her eyes softened. Good. If they could muddle through this part together, it might be fun, after all.

Deidre pulled a rolled piece of paper from her pocket, unfurled it with a flourish and began to read. “Eva Kilpatrick, you have this night purchased one of our esteemed bachelors, Nick Le Grande. He’s pledged to give you twelve hours of manual labor beginning tomorrow morning at eight sharp. Is that correct?”


“Excellent. Nick Le Grande, you have participated in this bachelor auction with the understanding that you will donate twelve hours of manual labor to the winning bidder, Eva Kilpatrick, such labor to begin at eight sharp tomorrow morning. Is that correct?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Energy coursed through him. He could hardly wait to do that job for Eva. He’d give her a hundred and ten percent, especially after all she’d paid.

“I now pronounce you bachelor and high bidder. May the contract between the two of you bring joy and satisfaction.”

Had Deidre intended to echo the tone of wedding vows? He glanced at Eva, who looked uneasy, too.

Deidre cleared her throat. “As a designated representative of Raptors Rise, I want to thank you both for your support. As we like to say in Eagles Nest—Your contribution is for the birds.” She paused and looked up. “Okay, I know that’s a lame joke, but my husband Jim thought of it and made me promise I’d use it this weekend. I’d like to tell him you laughed.”

Nick managed a chuckle that sounded fake. Eva’s was even worse, like she was gargling mouthwash. Eyebrows lifted, he met her gaze. She cracked up and so did he. Okay. They’d be fine.

Chapter Six

In the salon, Eva was primarily in charge of her interaction with Nick. Sometimes he made suggestions Copyright 2016 - 2024