Trouble - Tia Louise Page 0,85

it!” Ms. Alice clasps her hands as I carry the big Fireside Ladies Club book downstairs. “Oh, let me see it. I don’t’ want anything to happen to this book.”

She helps me carry it to the table, and Ma joins her bestie as they flip through the pages. “I haven’t seen this in years.”

Daisy elbows me in the ribs, obviously pretending to be surprised. “Oh, look. You found it.”

I pinch the skin inside her arm and she squeals. “Don’t get me in trouble.”

She slaps my hand, and Courtney wanders in with a mug of coffee to blow my cover completely. “Hey, isn’t that the book we used to cast that protection spell?”

Ms. Alice squints one eye and looks up at me. “Protection spell?”

Courtney leans in closer, looking at the book. “It didn’t work. He still gave you a black eye.”

“What?” Ma steps back inspecting my face with a horrified expression. “Who gave you a black eye? When?”

“I’m fine, Ma, it was nothing.” I glare at Courtney to shut up. “Anyway, the spell did work. We’re all here, aren’t we?”

Ms. Alice waves us away. “These women didn’t need spells. They had each other. It’s a powerful thing when women support one another, and we’re here to support you.”

“Thank you.” Courtney squeezes my mom’s bestie. “You all have helped me so much through this. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it, and Ollie…” Her voice cracks, and my mom puts her arms around her as well.

“Is a wonderful boy and so smart! Why the things he can tell you about frogs is amazing.”

I shudder, putting my arms around the three of them. “Just keep her away from me.”

Courtney laughs, dabbing her eyes. “Don’t forget Spencer. He was amazing.”

Daisy scoots into the group. “What about Spencer?”

“He was really great.” Courtney shakes her head, taking the fresh cup of coffee from my mom. “He saved me from a long trial and maybe even jail.”

“What? How did he do all of that?” Daisy looks from her to me, and we quickly fill her in on his last-minute save in the courtroom.

My cousin cuts me a grin. “I thought he was just looking for an excuse to spend more time with you.”

Heat rises in my stomach, but it’s silly heat.

Silly, wasted heat.

“Spending more time with me was not on his agenda.” I shake my head, but Daisy’s hand goes to her mouth as her eyes widen.

“I wouldn’t say that.” Spencer’s deep voice makes me almost spill my coffee. “Good morning, ladies. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

I turn around quickly to see him standing inside the door, stunning as always in a tan blazer over a black shirt. His hair is messy like he hasn’t slept, and he looks like he stepped out of a magazine.

“Sweet baby Jesus, my lady bits.” Ms. Alice fans herself, and Ma hurries around grabbing a fresh mug of coffee.

“Spencer, I had no idea you were coming. Would you like some coffee? Alice made scones.”

“You can have all my scones,” Ms. Alice holds out the platter.

His eyes are leveled on mine when he answers my mom, and that silly wasted heat floods my face. “Thank you, Regina, I was hoping to speak to Joselyn if she’s available.”

“What’s on your mind, Spence?” Daisy pipes up from her spot at the table, but he doesn’t look away from me.

I know because I haven’t looked away from him.

“I hoped you might take a walk with me?” He steps closer, lowering his voice.

Swallowing the knot in my throat, I shrug. “I don’t mind walking.”

I do not take his hand.

Lifting my chin, I brush past him towards the front door, and Ms. Alice calls after me, “Don’t walk so fast!”

I roll my eyes, shaking my head as I push through the door. My insides are hot and zippy, but I’m not letting him get the best of me. I’m not going back to the way things were before.

He does a little jog to catch up with me, and for a minute we walk in silence.

I follow the sidewalk outside Ma’s new house, which is several blocks from the house where I grew up. Eventually, we meet up with the path leading to the small wooden bridge.

“I’m not sure where we’re going.” Spencer finally breaks the silence. “I’d wanted to go somewhere private so we could talk.”

When we get to the bridge, I stop in the middle. I’m not taking him all the way down the path into the alcove where the palmettos grow in thick Copyright 2016 - 2024