Tropical Holiday Tails - Zoe Chant Page 0,35

her pleasure. It doesn’t matter what I have to do.”

Breck shook his head slowly. “Well, the first item of business is not looking like you’re about to walk a plank. Sex is not about giving pleasure, it’s about sharing pleasure. Want to know the absolute secret to making sure your partner has fun? It’s having fun with them. I’ve always said that sex is like a good joke.”

“This is not a joke,” Liam protested.

Breck smiled at him. “No, but it’s like a joke. The success of it is all in the timing, and everyone should be smiling at the end.” He cracked his knuckles. “Okay, let’s start at the beginning. What kind of experiences have you had?”

“I can never remember the bases,” Liam moaned. “I hate baseball.”

“You’ve kissed?”



“That was worse.”

“You’ve seen a woman naked.”

“It’s hard to avoid.” Liam was beginning to wish he’d accepted the drink. “Especially after a few months at a clothing-optional resort.”

“Pick an instance. What did it do for you?”

“She was beautiful, but it was very...aesthetic. I didn’t mind...ah...touching. Like petting a cat, or feeling a soft cloth. But the rubbing seemed...crude. Repetitive. And I had no interest in doing more. None.”

“Actively repulsed?” Breck asked, absolutely neutral.

Liam considered. “Not entirely. More like baffled that anyone would want to do something so absurd.”

“You aren’t reading the right poetry,” Breck suggested. “I’ll have some homework for you. Now, am I correct in assuming that there’s no...shwing?” He mimed a hard-on.

Liam groaned, but shook his head. “No shwing,” he said honestly. “Maybe a attention...but nothing that survives contact with the…ah…enemy.”

“And kissing? How was that?”

“It was okay up to the tongue part. Not exciting, like it’s supposed to be, but comfortable enough. But then...well, it seems really unsanitary, and I already have my own tongue taking up space in there. It was just awkward and…yeah, maybe a little repulsive.”

Breck stifled a laugh.

“That’s not useful, is it?” Liam despaired.

“It’s absolutely useful,” Breck said frankly. “Knowing what your own boundaries are is the first step towards figuring out how to work within them.” He tipped his head back and narrowed his eyes. “Now, do you want to stimulate with your fingers, your tongue, or a tool?”

“A...tool?” Liam squawked.

“Something you wear, or something you don’t, there are options. But you can accomplish everything you need to without them, if you’d prefer.”

“Fingers,” Liam said weakly, wishing he was having any other conversation.

“Good choice,” Breck approved. “You have finer control. You can graduate to something else later. Now, I assume you have a basic working knowledge of the anatomy in question?”

Liam nodded numbly. “I do have some medical background,” he said. “And I’ve read books.”

“Oo!” Breck seemed excited by the prospect. “Which ones?”

“Introduction to Anatomy.”

Breck groaned. “I’ll have some other homework for you. Do you know what a clitoris is?”

“In theory,” Liam conceded.

“You can usually tell by the reaction if you’ve found the right place, but I’ll draw you a diagram. It’s not as hard to find as some men claim. The g-spot, ah, that’s a little trickier.” Breck said it with relish; this was the kind of challenge he loved. He rubbed his hands together. “But you don’t just start there directly; that would be amateur. We’re going to start at the top, work our way down. Do you need anything before we get started?”

Liam gave him a steady look. “I think I’ll take that drink you offered.”

The official job offer arrived in Caroline’s inbox before her plane from New York touched down.

She sat in her seat, staring at the phone, while the plane emptied around her and they began to clean it.

A new life. A new start. A new mate.

It was dark out; she had only been in New York for a few hours, most of it spent commuting. And a blissful, confusing, utterly insane hour and a half an entire world away.

“Can I help you with something?” the attendant asked.

Caroline looked around at the empty plane. “No, I’m sorry, thank you. I’ll get out of your way.”

“Take your time,” the attendant replied kindly, bustling away.

Caroline rose, and pulled her small day pack from the overhead bin, dazedly wandering out into the airport and to the lot where she’d parked her car.

She could not recall the actual drive later, only the emotions as she navigated the familiar roads: confusion, elation, and bone-deep longing. She knew her destiny, now, and it filled her with hope and anticipation.

Now, she just had to get James to buy off on it.

He was awake, and Caroline knocked on Copyright 2016 - 2024