Tropical Holiday Tails - Zoe Chant Page 0,31

“My husband died five years ago.”

She is ours now, Liam’s dragon said possessively. Ours forever. Ours completely.

Darla and Scarlet both made vague noises of sympathy and Caroline swallowed hard. “It was just as I was finishing my residency, and...J-James was in second grade. It was...a challenge. through it.”

She sounded rattled and Liam, because he was watching them instead of Caroline, saw Scarlet and Darla exchange quick, concerned glances. They must assume that she was struggling with grief, and Liam could confirm that she did feel some sorrow, but it was round-edged with time and acceptance, not at all the source of her fluster.

Probably, her animal was jabbering in her ear like Liam’s was in his, a constant song of joy and recognition and annoying insistence that made it extremely hard to think.

“We don’t have many children here yet,” Darla said gently. “There will only be a few others anywhere near his age, though you know we are expecting some babies soon.”

Caroline blinked at her. “I don’t think that will b-bother him,” she said. “And if you don’t have a school established, I was prep-p-p—ready to—homeschool. The advertisement did say isolated, and I was prep-p-pared for that.”

“We’ll have a school in the village,” Scarlet said evenly. “But it won’t be operational for some time. Possibly years.”

“That’s fine. I mean...that’s fine. Yes. Of course.” She must look tremendously nervous to Darla and Scarlet, Liam realized, and his heart ached for her, even as he was distracted wrestling his dragon back.

Our greatest treasure! he sang in Liam’s head in an unending chorus. Our other half! Our destiny! Forever!

Will you hush and let me figure this out?

Brilliant joy! Dancing and singing and never alone and yearning and loving and longing and holding and being and everything good in the world! It wasn’t even all words that Liam could parse, just a tumbling, endless, emotional onslaught.

Liam couldn’t continue to stare only at Darla and Scarlet indefinitely and transferred his gaze to the coffee table between them. Out of the edge of his vision, he saw Caroline look at her lap and take a deep breath.

Scarlet asked her a few questions about the kinds of supplies and equipment she would require. Caroline answered haltingly, second-guessing her own requests, and Liam wanted to throw himself between them when Scarlet frowned, unimpressed.

Darla, skilled at making people feel at ease, turned the topic to the elders, asking sweetly about Caroline’s experience with geriatric problems specific to shifters.

“Only my own grandparents,” Caroline explained, and there was another wave of gentle sorrow, worn even more smooth than her last. “They are a large part of the reason that I chose to p-p-pursue both veterinary and human medical studies. Shifters don’t often need doctors, but...but...when they do, it’s very difficult to find the special help they need. If I could be...I wanted to be there…for anyone else in that place.”

As speeches went, it was poorly executed, but the feeling behind it was beautiful, and Liam knew the selflessness and brilliant soul that had pushed her to such a challenging occupation.

“Did you have any questions to add, Liam?” Scarlet asked, her eyes narrow.

Liam had prepared several. “No!” he said, now panicked and blank-minded. “I’m…no!”

“Darla, why don’t you show Caroline what we’ve completed of the medical center and the housing for the retirement home,” Scarlet suggested in her not-really-a-suggestion voice. “It’s a little while before Mal comes back to escort her home. Thank you for joining us, we’ll be in touch regarding your application.”

It was unquestionably a dismissal. And not an encouraging one.

Everyone stood and Caroline thanked them all and shook hands with Scarlet and Darla and faced Liam breathlessly and there were no less than three false starts between them. Finally, she swept in, gave his hand one swift, professional shake and fled the room without even waiting for Darla.

Liam sank back into his chair as Darla scampered after her and Scarlet more sedately resumed her seat.

“That was the worst interview we’ve had at this stage,” Scarlet observed. “Perhaps she really isn’t suited for Shifting Sands after all.”

Liam defensively snarled, “It’s not her fault,” then realized that Scarlet’s eyes were dancing and full of speculation.

“Your mate,” Scarlet surmised.

“My mate,” Liam agreed, over the fireworks his whiskered dragon was setting off in his head.

Scarlet’s look was long and thoughtful. “Is it going to be a problem?” she asked frankly.

“No,” Liam said. “Of course not. We’re both mature people and I assure you that we can behave professionally.”

Scarlet continued to regard him. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024