Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,70

actually fine me for, but I really didn’t care. He shook his head before he palmed his face and took a calming breath.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered. “After that shit, I expect the best fucking game of your lives. If you don’t deliver, you’ll have McGregor to thank for the drills you have tomorrow.”

I ducked my head to hide my smile. I’d expected a few of the guys to be pissy, maybe the rookies, but everyone seemed to be taking it in stride. As we headed out to the ice for the start of the game, almost everyone gave me a fist bump and a smile.

The scrape of blades and the swish of the frozen puck gliding over the surface was met with the rattle of the boards as we slammed into them. Sweat-soaked and exhausted, we switched lines like we were on fire.

“Hey, Trip, good game out there,” Kris teased as he breathed heavily and watched our second line race toward the goal. He was referring to my tripping penalty. I’d just gotten out of the box.

“Fuck off. It was an accident.” There was no weight behind my words as I chuckled afterward.

“This is what I’m talking about,” Jericho said as he used a water bottle to waterfall into his mouth then sprayed it on his face. We were playing aggressive and fast. That took a lot out of us.

“Kicking ass and taking names,” added Dmitry. We did a fist bump, then stood to touch Mikko’s glove as he passed after his goal.

It might’ve been the high of knowing that Bleu was willing to talk. It could’ve been luck. Or it was possible that we were on our A-game and playing like motherfuckin’ bosses, but we won by three points that night.

After the game, it was no surprise when I was called into Scottie Schuester’s office. Tail between my legs, I reminded myself it was worth it.

“I’ll message Crimson and ask her to wait,” Dmitry said as he stopped me briefly. I nodded.

“Appreciate it, man.” Now that the high of the win was fading, the lonely walk down the executive hallway was a little like walking to the gallows.

The knock seemed to reverberate down the empty hall. Maybe that was in my head, but it seemed ominous, and for the first time since I’d hatched my crazy plan, I had second thoughts. Yet it was too late for that. Part of me held my breath as I waited.

From behind the door, I heard someone tell me to come in. I swung the door in and followed his motions to the desk. He held my gaze as he sat there with his elbows on the arm of his chair and his fingers steepled at his chin.

“That was some stunt.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied, not having anything better to offer.

“Sit. Do you realize I could suspend you if I wanted to? And I could fire whoever provided you that mic?” He cocked his head and watched me with slightly narrowed eyes. It was like he was waiting for me to crack.

No matter how cocky I could be, I wasn’t callous. My heart bottomed out at the thought of Randy losing his job. Maybe I hadn’t thought it through like I should’ve. My lips stayed sealed. No way was I ratting Randy out.

“I can review the security camera footage to see who it was.”

I swallowed hard. Sweat ran down my spine. Shit, shit, shit.

“But I’m not going to this time.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Then he continued, and I tensed.

“What I am going to do is fine you fifty thousand dollars for manner unbecoming.”

Involuntarily, my face screwed up in a confused expression. “What the hell is that? I’ve never heard of it.”

“That’s because I made it up. If you’d fucked up tonight, I would’ve suspended your ass for the next game, too. Guess you’re lucky you played your ass off. I have to do something, or every damn idiot that falls in love with his girl is gonna pull that shit.” He surprised the hell out of me by smirking.

Hell, fifty grand was nothing for me, and I’d happily pay it. Like I said, totally worth it. However, I decided to keep that to myself, considering our trouble started because she thought I was throwing my money around.

“You better walk the damn line from here on out. No more stupid-ass stunts like that. Now get out of here. My wife and kids are waiting on me.” He stood, and I followed. Copyright 2016 - 2024