Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,7

him to.

The knock on my door made me jump. My heart started to race, though I knew who it was. It seemed Cameron was nothing if not punctual.

“Gotta go!” I called out before ending the call. Of course Sergio was yelling for details as I hit the red button.

I padded barefoot to the door as I slipped a silver hoop in my ear. When I swung the door open, my breath caught. Cameron stood there looking like a sexy prom date. He was adjusting his tie and held a corsage box in his hand.

My brow rose. “A corsage? Isn’t that a little high school?”

His gaze traveled from my bare feet up my body to lock on my eyes. “You look stunning,” he murmured, and the heat from his gaze warmed my cheeks.

“Thank you. It’s not too much?” I hadn’t been sure what to wear, but it was nearly Christmas and it was a wedding. Sergio had been all for me wearing whatever I had that was slutty.

Instead, I’d gone with what was comfortable for me, yet still nice. The red velvet dress was simple in its design, had little silver snowflakes embroidered along the flared hem, and I paired it with a simple silver necklace. Thankfully, it was the perfect shade not to clash with my hair. I’d chosen a pair of silver strappy heels but wasn’t ready to put them on my feet yet.

“Not at all. And the corsage was Sydney’s mom’s doing. Everyone has a corsage or boutonniere.” He shrugged. His tie was the same red as my dress, and I hid a grin. We couldn’t have planned it better. His suit obviously wasn’t off the rack, as it fit him like a glove. It was a dark charcoal with a fine red thread running through, giving it a subtle pinstripe look.

“Hmm. Well, you look sharp,” I said with a smirk and another appreciative glance at his tall form. For once in my life, well other than that time, I wouldn’t be too tall to wear heels with my date.

“Thanks,” he replied with a stunning grin. The man was really beautiful. From his buzzed head to his crystal blue eyes to his broad shoulders, he was gorgeous. I told myself this was simply a date. He likely would move on when he found out I wouldn’t put out. Even though he had stayed the night at my house when we’d done nothing but sleep.

“Come on in, I’m almost done,” I said as I stepped back to let him pass.

“I feel like we did things backwards,” he said as his head dipped slightly and he seemed transfixed with the red-and-white flower in his hand.

“Is there a specific order to life?” I asked. “Besides, we haven’t slept together.”

“Well, technically we did sleep together. There just wasn’t sex involved,” he said as he raised his eyes to me.

“Then how are things backwards?”

“Well, generally, a guy should have a date like this first, right?” He shuffled slightly in the entryway.

I laughed. “Cameron, something tells me you rarely take girls on actual dates. To be honest with you, I’m not sure why we’re even doing this. We have absolutely nothing in common. And we’re going to a wedding. Why would you want to take me to an intimate affair like a wedding, anyway?”

“Because I wanted to see you again, and my time is limited during the season. We’re off for a few days for Christmas.” He shrugged like it was a no-brainer.

“But why? You met me because I freaking fell on you, then you invited yourself to join me and my friend for drinks. For whatever reason, you took me home and cuddled with me because my drunk ass asked you to—which is a little creepy, by the way. Then you thought it was a good idea to go to a wedding together? How does your brain even work that you decided that was the criteria for wanting to spend time with me?” Though I had agreed to this farce, I had no idea why. Maybe the man fascinated me a bit, and I was truly surprised he hadn’t taken advantage of the fact that I’d been drunk off my ass.

I mean, I’m glad he didn’t, but it was out of the norm for guys like him.


Sports gods.

Stars on the ice and felt like they’re God’s gift to women.

“Honestly? I don’t really know. You knocked me off my feet, you know.” He snickered a little, and I gave him a droll stare.

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