Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,40

which they shot to the other end of the arena was incredible and a little frightening.

When they closed in on the opposing goal, Cameron gave what seemed like a minor flick of his wrist, and the puck shot across the ice. I held my breath as the goalie dropped to his knees. It happened so fast that I wasn’t sure if it was under him or made it through until the red light flashed up behind the net.

“Oh my God!” Everyone was screaming and jumping up and down. I was high-fiving people I didn’t know, but in that moment, we were all best friends—hell, damn near family.

The Amurs were in a huge huddle, hugging and cheering as much as the crowd.

“They won!” Jett yelled as he grabbed my hand. He was over the damn moon.

The game had been tied since the first period. There were a million shots on goal for both teams, but nothing was getting through. The players for both teams had been playing aggressively, and from their sweat-soaked hair and flushed cheeks, it was obvious.

When a player broke free from the mass of jerseys, I realized it was Cameron. He skated right toward us and slid to a stop. His grin was a mile wide. He pulled off his glove and gave me a “rock on” hand sign, then, my eyes popped open wide, because for a split second I could’ve sworn he morphed it to an “I love you” hand sign.

Then he blew me a kiss and skated away. My heart was working overtime.

The couple sitting in front of me looked over their shoulders and gave me a knowing smile. Jett elbowed me, and he was grinning too.

“Come on, sis!” Jett ushered me toward the exit. Cameron had arranged for us to go into the family room to wait for them to get cleaned up. We made our way through the crowd, then showed our credentials. The guy was one of the ones that had been there when I fell over the railing.

Nerves building, I waited. There were several other people in the family room, but I didn’t know any of them. The door opened, and a dark-haired woman walked in. She glanced around, then when her gaze fell on me, she gave me a megawatt smile and headed my direction. I recognized her as the bride from my first date with Cameron.

“Bleu!” she said as she wrapped her arms around me. “Alex said you’d be here! And who is this?”

“This is my brother, Jett,” I said, and my little brother nodded and reached out a hand.

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” Inside, I preened at my brother’s manners.

She flushed and waved in the air. The huge rock on her hand sparkled in the lights. Not that she was showing it off; it was simply hard to miss. I really liked her. Despite being incredibly gorgeous, she was so sweet and down-to-earth.

“Goodness, you’re making me feel old! Call me Sydney,” she said with a beautiful smile. “So that was some game, huh?” she added as she looked over her shoulder to check the door. It was evident she was excited to see her husband.

“Heck yeah!” Jett said, his calm mannerly demeanor changing to childlike excitement in the blink of an eye.

“You should’ve had Cameron get you passes to be in the box with me.”

“Oh, umm, well, we aren’t really, uh, like that,” I stammered, feeling my cheeks and neck heat. Her brow rose, and she looked at our jerseys, then back at my eyes.

“Really,” she drawled. “Because other than his parents, I’ve never seen him arrange tickets for anyone. And the jerseys?”

She gave me a teasing grin which ratcheted the heat level of my face to boiling. The thought that Cameron really didn’t bring other women to games did something weird to me. It made me hope for things.

She introduced me to several of the other family members present. Everyone was warm and welcoming. Smiles abounded, likely due to the last-minute exciting win.

Cheers started, and I looked toward the door. The players were starting to enter and seek out their family members. Everyone was laughing, hugging, and cheering.

Alex rushed toward Sydney, and she hugged him as they spoke quietly to each other. The love they exuded made me look away, because it was as if I was intruding on an intimate moment.

When Cameron stepped into the room, his eyes traveled the room much as Sydney’s had, and my breath caught in my throat. The heat in his Copyright 2016 - 2024