Triplets for The Millionaire - K.C. Crowne Page 0,42

about her.

“Now, let me ask you this,” Roxie said, her eyebrows arched in skepticism. “She askin’ to borrow your credit card to pay for a male stripper habit?”

I laughed. Roxie, other than Finn the night before, had been the only other person I’d talked to about Fay.

“So far, no. But we’ll see what the day holds.”

“Your little adventure date is today? Now, that’s some good news.”

“It’s only our second date. And she seemed pretty damn skeptical about it.”

“Well, you’re askin’ a lot of a woman like that. You don’t get to be a successful doctor by throwin’ caution to the wind. Not everyone can hop on a plane and jet across the planet to take some snapshots of turtles.”

“Fair enough. So you’re thinkin’ things are lookin’ good so far?”

“Hard to say – only date number two, after all. But here’s what I’m thinkin’. Don’t push too hard, make her wanna run back to the routine she knows. She’ll get to know you on her own time, and I’m sure she’ll end up bein’ crazy about you.”

“Thanks, Roxie.”

Before she could respond, my phone buzzed with a text from Lola.

What’s the plan for today?

I grinned and said my goodbyes to Aunt Roxie before typing a response.

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for an adventure.

Chapter 12


An adventure? What the hell did that even mean? Was he planning on taking me out on a horseback ride into the wilderness or something?

That idea didn’t sound half-bad, actually.

I pushed it out of my head as I read the text from Patrick. I scanned the words over and over, as if there might be some clue as to what kind of day he had in mind. And more than that, I realized as I stood in my kitchen holding the phone, that this would be my best chance to back out.

As I considered the idea, another wave of queasiness hit me. I set the phone down on the counter, placing one hand on my belly and the other on the edge of the kitchen island. I winced, letting the strange, sudden nausea flow through me.

For a moment, I felt like I might actually have to run to the bathroom and let it rip. But like before, the nausea faded until it was gone. When I felt normal again, I stood up straight and squared my shoulders.

Fine. Perfectly healthy – nothing wrong with me. I hadn’t taken a sick day since starting at Pitt Medical, and I wasn’t about to start by spending my Sunday in bed with an upset stomach.

I typed the reply to Patrick feeling almost cocky, like I wasn’t about to let my body get the better of me.

Ready. What time?

The reply came seconds later.

Be ready at eleven. Dress warm.

I checked the time on my phone – a little before nine. I replied in the affirmative and set down my phone, taking a second to think about the weird wave of sickness that had just hit me. I’d felt nauseated when I’d woken up that morning. In fact, the nausea was what I’d woken up to. I’d opened my eyes and felt it, the urge to vomit making me feel like I needed to spring out of bed and rush to the toilet.

But like it had a few seconds ago, the nausea faded. I hadn’t eaten anything out of the ordinary the day before, and I’d been so tired at the end of my Saturday that I didn’t even have my usual weekend glass of wine.

I didn’t want to dwell on it. And I didn’t get the chance – the moment I poured myself a cup of coffee, the phone rang with a call from Mom.

“Morning, kid!” she elated, her voice chipper as ever through the speaker phone. “You excited?”

Part of me wanted to tell her about the nausea, but I thought better of it – no need to worry her about something that was most likely nothing.

“I don’t know if excited is the right word. More like…trepidatious.”

“Oh, come on. I swear, you have to be the only woman in the world who could get asked out on an adventure by a handsome Irishman and have doubts about it.” She said the word adventure as if it were a world full of possibility. “You know what I’d do in your position? I’d tell him the only adventure I needed was an expedition to the nearest Motel 6.”

“Mom!” I said with a laugh as I set down my coffee mug for fear of spilling Copyright 2016 - 2024