Triple Threat - James Patterson Page 0,90

got all day.”

I step into the water, taking deep breaths. When I am waist deep, I dunk my head and swim outward. The water is so cold that it feels hot, burning my skin.

I skip the Volkswagen Beetle island where I usually stop to catch my breath, and I go directly to the island with the skeleton tree.

I swim down and pull out the small cloth satchel. On the ledge, with the arc of the island keeping my actions hidden from the others, I untie the satchel and pull out the plastic sandwich bag. I let the satchel float away and tuck the bag into the pocket of my cargo shorts. Then I take a deep breath and swim back down to the crack where the diamonds were hidden.

This time, when I stick my arm into the crevice, I come out with another hidden treasure inside a waterproof plastic bag.

This one isn’t a bag of diamonds.

It’s a .45-caliber pistol.

Chapter 19

The gun is a lightweight, titanium-framed pocket pistol, built for people with conceal-and-carry permits. Only five inches long, it fits inside the sandwich bag easily. The brand name of the gun is DoubleTap because it holds only two bullets. I’ll need to make them count.

I tuck the gun into the other pocket of my shorts and climb up onto the island.

Claire is standing on the shore, with Marco and Jasper flanking her. I take a moment to catch my breath and dive back into the water.

I climb up onto the Volkswagen island twenty yards off shore to rest for a moment. My cargo shorts cling to my body and sag from the weight of the water and the contents of the pockets. I don’t think the gun is visible. The diamonds make a bigger bulge. The pain in my ribs is gone now, smothered by the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

I jump into the water and swim for shore. When I can touch the sand under my feet again, I take my time walking forward, trying to slow my breathing. Marco and Jasper hold their guns in their hands. Claire’s hands are clutched in front of her chest, like she is praying.

When I’m in two feet of water, I pull the package of diamonds out, open the bag’s zipper, and then hold out my arm as if I’m going to pour the diamonds in the water.

“If I dump these,” I say, “you’ll still be able to find some of them. But it will be a giant pain in the ass in this cold water.”

“Don’t try to be clever,” Marco says.

“Let Claire go.”

Jasper takes her by the arm and raises his revolver and presses it to her head. She is breathing fast, almost to the point of hyperventilating. Tears stream down her cheeks.

“Come on,” Marco says, “do we really have to do this?”

“Let her go,” I say. “When I feel like she’s a safe distance away, I’ll turn over the diamonds.”

“What, so she can run down to that pay phone and call the cops?” Marco says. “I’ve got another idea. I shoot you. We make Claire wade out into the water and gather up the diamonds from around your dead body. Then we beat the shit out of her until she begs us to kill her. Then, and only then, do we put her out of her misery.” His voice rises as he speaks. “How’s that sound to you?”

I tilt the bag, pretending I’m ready to pour it out. “I know I’m not getting out of this alive, Marco. But I’m not going to make it easy for you unless she goes free.”

Marco’s face is turning red. He grits his teeth and growls, “Logan, give me those goddamn diamonds.”

“Suit yourself,” I say.

I toss the open bag into the air. Diamonds spill out as the bag sails toward Marco. Marco tries to grab the bag with his free arm, but only slaps at it, knocking it to the ground. Diamonds rain down into the water and skitter on the rock like hailstones.

“You son of a bitch!” Marco roars, bending over to collect the diamonds. “Jasper, kill this motherfucker.”

I’m already surging forward, pulling the gun out of my shorts. Jasper’s eyes narrow, as if he is trying to figure out what I’m doing, then his eyes grow large with recognition. He turns the gun from Claire to me. I punch my finger through the plastic bag, take aim at the center of Jasper’s face, and fire.

The gunshot echoes off the granite all around us.

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