Triple Play - Cassie Cole Page 0,66

a winning team,” Theo said energetically. “So we went out and got the pieces to help keep it going. Myself and the owner support you completely, and I hope there’s no question about that. Now let’s go win a championship!”

Everyone cheered and clapped. Especially when the door opened and Gallaraga and Preston came strolling into the locker room, wearing Texas Rangers jerseys. The team huddled around them, shaking hands and patting them on the back to welcome them to the team.

“Be gentle with them!” Theo shouted. “Gallaraga still has to pass a physical before the trade is official!”

“I’m just here for the barbecue,” Gallaraga said, which drew a few laughs. “The food in LA is very nice, but nobody does a piece of brisket like Texas.”

Rafael went over and shook his hand. That reminded me of what Theo had told me: that I needed to give him a warm welcome. I pushed down the lump in my throat and approached him. Gallaraga was a big guy, kind of chunky, but pitchers could get away with some extra meat on their bones.

“I’m Natalie Betts, the Rangers pitching coach. We’re excited to have you in the rotation.”

He shook my hand, but had a funny look on his face. “For real? I saw an ESPN article about a woman pitching coach but I thought it was a joke. Do you, like, bake cookies or something?”

He chuckled and looked around for someone to share the humor. I had dealt with these kinds of jokes my entire professional career, so I let it roll off me easily. “I’m sure over time we—”

Darryl pushed his way up to Gallaraga and shoved him hard.

“Coach Betts is one of the best pitching coaches these guys have ever seen,” he growled. “Spend some time with her and you’ll agree.”

“Hey man, it was just a joke…”

Darryl pointed at him with a tattooed arm. “Coach Betts is already a member of the team. She’s helped us get this far. You still have to prove your value. Until you do that? Keep your sexist bullshit to yourself and listen to whatever she says.”

“Okay, okay. Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize to me.”

Darryl stepped aside so Gallaraga could approach me. The pitcher licked his lips nervously. “I didn’t mean nothing by it. My old coach, we always teased each other. Like friends, you know? I wasn’t trying to be a dick with my baking cookies comment, but I can see how I came across that way. I’ll listen to whatever you say, coach.”

He extended his hand. He sounded sincere, and not just because he was afraid of having to answer to Darryl. I shook his hand and forced myself to grin.

“I’ve been begging Theo to acquire another pitcher for months. I’m excited that it’s you. Welcome to the Rangers.”

I rode home with Darryl. Most nights I stayed in one of his spare bedrooms. It was just easier that way. I even had a suitcase full of clothes and my own bathroom that was slowly filling up with more toiletries and makeup. Neither of us spoke until we got home.

Rafael was already home, waiting for us with two beers and a smile. I put down the glass and then hugged him tightly. Darryl joined in. Joel’s absence was like a physical presence, squeezing my lungs.

The tears flowed, and I wept while they held me.



Losing Joel was devastating. It felt like a breakup. A sudden one too, where we barely got to say goodbye. When we woke up this morning he was in our kitchen, eating too-hot Poptarts and burning his mouth. Now he was gone.

Rafael, Darryl, and I drowned our sorrows while watching TV. The Dodgers-Cardinals game was on ESPN, and by the end of the game Joel was warming up in the bullpen. With a two-run lead he came jogging out to the mound to get the save.

“He looks weird in Dodger blue,” Rafael said.

“Unnatural,” Darryl added.

Despite being on a new team in a new city, Joel looked the same on the mound. He recorded a one-two-three inning on nine pitches to earn his first save for the Dodgers.

After the game he was interviewed by one of the on-field reporters. “Joel Rogers, lovingly referred to as Mister Rogers, how does it feel pitching for a new team after being traded just hours ago?”

Joel removed his hat and wiped sweat away from his blond hair. “It feels pretty good. I’ve been involved in a lot of trade rumors over the years, but this is the first time someone Copyright 2016 - 2024