Triple Play - Cassie Cole Page 0,45

were confident with every pitch selection.”

“I felt confident,” he admitted with a glance in my direction. “Going from four pitches to two makes it a lot easier to pick what to throw. Thanks, coach.”

“Speaking of coach,” Rafael said, “Joel’s not the only one who got a promotion today. I heard you’re the interim pitching coach!”

“Apparently so.” I took a long drink of my second purple viking. “Now I just need to win over the other pitchers.”

“It won’t be easy,” Rafael admitted. “Some of them really liked Coach Schultz. Carter and Ramirez, for example. But we can help talk you up.”

“Once they find out how you helped me, they’ll come around,” Joel said.

We smiled at each other, and then Joel looked away.

Rafael noticed it this time. He looked back and forth between us and said, “Alright, what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” Joel asked.

“You’re acting weird. I can see you trying to hide it.”

Joel scratched his blond hair. “I… I have something to tell you.”

“Joel…” I said.

“He should know,” he insisted. “I don’t want to keep secrets. I feel guilty about it…”

“Rafa and I slept together,” I blurted out.



I don’t know why I had been keeping it from Joel. I didn’t feel guilty exactly, but sleeping with Natalie was something I should have told him days ago. The more time went on, the tougher that revelation became.

So it was almost a relief when Natalie blurted it out.

“Rafa and I slept together.”

Joel swung his eyes to me for confirmation. “When?”

“Well… A couple of times, if we’re being honest,” I replied.

He blinked and stared down at his food. “Man, when Darryl finds out…”

“He figured it out already,” I said. “Apparently it was obvious to him.”

“Oh. So I’m the dummy who was totally oblivious?” He gave a lighthearted chuckle. “That’s what I get for being so focused on my pitching. I’m a shitty friend.”

“Dude, you’re not a shitty friend. Darryl is just extra observant. Are you upset? I know I should have told you sooner.”

I steeled myself for his response, but he grinned widely. “Hell no, I’m not upset. I’m relieved. I felt guilty about kissing Natalie, but now that’s totally cool.”

It was my turn to be surprised. “Really?”

“It was before the food arrived,” Natalie said to me. “Right before I came upstairs to get you.”

She looked nervous. Like she had done something wrong and expected me to be mad. I patted her on the leg and said, “I’m glad.”

“You are?”

“I’m serious about you being the kind of girl we’re looking for,” I explained. “That wasn’t just an empty statement. And I did tell you that you were Joel’s type.”

Joel blushed, but nodded. “You’re pretty awesome, Natalie. But Rafa—the deal was we only choose someone we all agree on. And Darryl vetoed it.”

“Maybe he’ll change his mind.”

Natalie’s ponytail swayed as she shook her head. “I doubt it. He mentioned it to me during the road trip. He told me not to do anything that would throw you off your game.”

“He threatened you?” Joel asked.

“I don’t know if I would call it a threat,” she answered. “But he wasn’t happy about the whole thing.”

Joel sighed sadly. He was already giving up.

“Fuck that,” I said. “We’re all adults here. Joel and I are attracted to you, and you’re attracted to us. We all get along. Why should we pass up a good thing just because Darryl is in a shitty mood due to his slump?”

“He was opposed to Natalie before the season started,” Joel pointed out. “Because she’s a coach.”

“Fuck that too. Natalie being our coach makes things better, not worse. She’s already with us on all our road trips. We don’t need to sneak her up to our hotel room. And we can spend time together without anyone being weird about it.”

“And if things end poorly?” Natalie asked.

“Then we go back to the way things were,” I said. “Like I said, we’re all adults. If we need to go back to a strictly-professional relationship, then we should be able to do that no problem.”

Joel was nodding to himself. I could see the gears turning in his head as he began to accept it.

Natalie finished her drink. “Then what happens next? I’m still fuzzy on the logistics. Who do I… hang out with tonight? Whoever I want?”

The euphemism was obvious to all of us, and there was a sparkle in her eyes. She leaned forward in her pool chair, showing some of her ample cleavage underneath her v-neck shirt. I felt something within me stir.

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