Trick Me Twice - Becca Steele Page 0,3

to be one of his old school friends and golf buddies, must’ve contacted him about my grade. Fuck. I’d hoped I might be able to fly under the radar, but I guess not.

Sure enough, when I entered the kitchen, there he was.

“Carter.” So much disapproval dripped from that one word.

“I’ll try harder.”

“That’s not good enough. This is the third time this has happened.” He stayed calm and collected, too composed to show any outward signs of anger, but it was all there in his clenched jaw and the frustrated hand he was running through his hair. “Need I remind you that your future is at stake, here? I can open some doors for you, but without that degree, you’re not going to last five minutes.”

“I know.”

He continued as if I hadn’t even spoken. “Why can’t you take a leaf from Rainey’s book? Her grades are impeccable.”

And there it was again. Raine fucking Laurent. Both my mum and dad thought she was so fucking perfect, kissing her ass and going on about how clever and amazing she was all the time. The constant comparisons were nothing new, but every time I was compared to her and found wanting, it fucking stung.

“Maybe I could speak to Pam, see if Rainey can give you some tutoring,” he mused.

My stomach rolled, and I gritted my teeth. “Not a good idea, Dad. She’ll be way too busy with her own schoolwork.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind—”

“No. I promise I’ll do it, Dad.” Fuck. That.

“You’d better. This is your last warning.” Turning his back to me, he called out for our housekeeper. “Joan?”

I took that as my cue to leave. I’d just reached the door, Joan entering the kitchen and giving me a small smile, when my dad’s voice stopped me. “Don’t forget the school rules—you’re off the football team if you don’t improve your grades.”

There was no way I was getting kicked off the team. We were already fucked with Kian’s suspension, and I was the captain. If I was gone, too, the rest of the team would be screwed, with no hope of winning the championships. Why did my dad have to be buddies with someone who had the power to take away the one thing I loved? And why did he have to constantly compare me to Raine Laurent?

“Got to get my books from my locker. I’ll be back,” I muttered, sliding out of my seat and stalking over to Raine before anyone could reply.

Her eyes widened as I neared her, and she glanced around wildly as if she was looking for an escape. I suppressed the sudden, unexpected urge to wrap my hand around that little throat again. What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Outside, now.” I continued stalking towards the doors, knowing she wouldn’t want to cause a scene in front of the other students.

Hearing a muffled curse behind me, I smiled to myself as I turned to face her.

“What do you want?” She stared at me defiantly, but she couldn’t disguise the shake in her voice.

“This way.” The last thing I wanted was for people to think I was showing an interest in her, and I checked around me to make sure no one was paying us any attention. Satisfied we were in the clear, I gripped her arm, dragging her down the opposite corridor. She stumbled, trying to keep up with my pace as I rounded the corner and came to a stop under the stairwell.

As soon as we were there, I let go of her, pushing her up against the wall and planting my hands on the wall behind her head. I was thrown for a moment at the feel of her small body against mine, before I gathered myself and spoke the words I’d dragged her aside to say. “I want you to find another way home from school on Mondays.”

She stood completely still, staring at me with wide eyes, her pupils dilated with an intoxicating combination of apprehension and arousal. Eventually, she took a breath and spoke, her voice practically vibrating with tension. “I-I can’t. What will I tell my aunt and your parents? How am I going to get home?”

“Not my concern.” As I leaned into her, the scent of apples and caramel invaded my senses.

“I can’t.” Her mouth set in a stubborn, flat line.

Pressing my body into hers, I lowered my mouth to her ear. “You will. I don’t care how it happens, I don’t want you in my car again.” She didn’t need to Copyright 2016 - 2024