Trey - Shandi Boyes Page 0,49

teeny tiny thighs before leaning in really close to her face, stealing more than her words. I’ve got a lock on her senses as well. “Do you want me to feed them to you like you’re a baby bird?”

While seeking an answer to my question in her expressive eyes, I scan every inch of her grubby face. She’s so young, my cock shouldn’t be twitching like it is. It wouldn’t be if I truly believed she was underage. She’s a couple of years younger than me, but I wouldn’t put it past ten, making her legal. She just has a real youthful face the cruelest circumstances couldn’t age.

After hitting her with a wink that doubles the width of her pupils, I click my fingers at Dok two times, demanding he cough up the painkillers he wants her to take. “Give me a double dose,” I demand when he hands me two measly white pills.

“Trey, pain killers were one of your dependencies—”

“I wasn’t asking, Dok,” I interrupt, my roar loud enough to make K jump. “I’m telling you. Give me a double dose.”

He isn’t happy about my request, but he follows through, aware of what the repercussions would be if he didn’t. Yeah, I was dependent as fuck on any drugs my first year here, but this isn’t about me. It’s all about K.

I feel the heat of Dok’s heavy gaze on me when my two front teeth crunch through the first white pill. I swallow down my half without any water before holding K’s half out in front of me. A smirk tugs at my mouth when she allows me to place the tablet between her lips without a single snip of hesitation crossing her features. It’s the simplest gesture, however, my cock acts as if I’m notching its head into her plump and inviting mouth.

We do the same thing another three times until the four pills Dok handed me have been consumed, and K’s hand shoots up to remove something from my beard. My head slants to the side when she removes a chunk of Bailey’s skin matted through the wiry mess minus the grimace you’d expect. You can’t feel ill when you’re nurturing someone the same way they’re nurturing you. It isn’t possible. That’s why I killed Bailey and Rory without an ounce of remorse being felt. I knew it would do K more good than harm to know I’d do anything to protect her.

“You good?”

This time I wait for K to bob her chin before helping her down from the examination bed. After curling my hand around her uninjured one, I guide her to the door. “Have her medication in my room by the time we return.”

Dok grumbles something, but I miss what he says. I can’t hear anything through the pounding of the pulse in my ears.

“Jump in,” I say to K after guiding her to my car Eight is in the process of dumping Rory’s slumped form in. “I’ll be back in a sec.”

“She good?” Eight asks when I join him at the trunk.

I fold Rory’s leg in half like Eight did one of Alexei’s goons only days ago to ensure he fits in my trunk before jerking up my chin. “She’s more than good,” I reply before I can stop myself.

I said to Nikolai earlier my obsession with K is because she reminds me of India, but that isn’t true. India’s inclusion in my life royally fucked me over. Because of her, my father and brother are buried beneath the same six feet of dirt, and I became a monster. If anything, K’s similarities to India should give me the hives. However, there’s only one part of my body that swells when she’s around. It can be as red and angry as welts and cause just as much discomfort, but it’s usually a rash women beg for time and time again.

Feeling my unease, Eight asks, “Are you sure you don’t want me to come to Jim’s with you? I kinda miss the old bastard, so I don’t mind dodging his bullets if he’s still pissed at me. I’ll even squeeze into the back seat, so you can keep your girl up front with you.”

Although annoyed he’s double-guessing my order, I also understand his hesitation. I haven’t been this unhinged since Nikolai’s crew found me on the cusp of death. “I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather you stay here. Justine will keep Nikolai subdued for a couple of hours, but we won’t know how Copyright 2016 - 2024