Trey - Shandi Boyes Page 0,11

reveals she’s either brand new or her owner took good care of her. She has a bump on her forehead, but other than that, she’s well put together. Her face isn’t gaunt like the rest of us, and although her skin is pale, it shows the gleam regular time in the sunlight awards it with.

“Be careful,” I warn her in Czech when the goon stops outside the room I was just freed from. Vladimir scraped the bottom of the barrel when he forced me to give him head, so he most likely won’t go gentle on her.

My heart thuds in my ears when the pretty redhead replies, “It’s alright. Help is coming.” She didn’t speak her words in English. She spoke them in my native tongue

“Děkuju,” I reply, hopeful she’s being honest.

The determination in her eyes is so startling, I’m scared within an inch of my life when the man clutching her arm bangs his fist on the lock I have my face pressed up against. “Get back in bed. You’ve got another three visits before your night is over.”

Even with fear being my strongest emotion, I still issue the stranger a warning, “Devil. Watch out for the devil.”

While the door opposite mine slowly creeps open, I scamper back into the corner I’ve been hiding in the past few hours, praying the shadow filling the gap under my door isn’t one of the men Vladimir’s goon mentioned earlier. I’m too woozy to give Vladimir’s guests the special attention he believes they deserve, and being silent takes more effort than fighting. It takes everything I have to emerge into the dark that saves me from the nightmares of the light, and I have barely an ounce of strength available tonight.

I realize just how unlucky I am when the shadow from the door jumps to the lock. As steel keys jangling against a solid door trickle into my ears, I swallow down the bile racing up my throat. Even with poor lighting hiding the man’s face, I know he’s been here before. He’s paid for me three times the past ten weeks. The first time he was happy to watch me from afar. The second time he wanted a lot more for his money. I can only hope he’s feeling friendly tonight because there are no nail marks on the walls for me to concentrate on, and no boarded-up window to look out of. I’ll either be stuck here in the torment, feeling every disgusting thing he does to me or trapped with the demons in my head.

Neither are pretty.

Whips hurt more than fists. The crack they make with my back adds to the blistering heat racing across my back. I guess that’s why they whipped people back in the olden days. It both humiliates and hurts, and if Vladimir has his way, it’ll have me toeing the line.

I didn’t spit as requested the second time tonight.

I bit.

Despite my weakness, I had the strength to gnaw my ‘guest’s’ cock right off, but, unfortunately, his screams alerted Vladimir’s goons to his mauling before I could get halfway through. That resulted in me being punished, again. It could be worse. I could have been beaten after being raped. This way, I’m just beaten.

The lash marks on my back will heal, but I doubt my mental stability will ever return after this. I feel humiliated, broken, and for the first time in my life, utterly worthless.

When a knock sounds at the door, the man whipping me doesn’t put as much power behind his next hit. He’s too busy snooping on the conversation Vladimir is having with the man who interrupted their sickening nighttime entertainment.

I can’t understand a word they’re speaking, I don’t understand Russian, but one name is mentioned frequently. ‘Dimitri.’

I don’t personally know Dimitri, but I have a newfound appreciation for him when his arrival ends my punishment after only five strikes. My back is stinging, and if the dribble running down the middle of it is anything to go by, I have open wounds, but it could have been so much worse. I’ve seen women enter this room walking and exit in a body bag.

You’re not supposed to survive this space.

“Take her to her room.”

I think I’m free from additional torment.

It’s silly of me to believe that would ever be the case.

After lifting my hanging head, Vladimir locks his wide-with-lust eyes with mine. “I’ll be in to visit you later, little girl. We have much to discuss.”

I had hoped my silence would disgust Copyright 2016 - 2024