Treasured (Masters and Mercenaries #22.5) - Lexi Blake Page 0,6

where they both knew damn well it was way too soon to go any further than they’d gone. “How far away are you from home? I’m not trying to figure out where you live. I just want to make sure you get home okay.”

She slid off the barstool and stood in front of him. “You are a sweet man.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. He’d learned that women like her tended to not appreciate sweetness. Or rather sweet got a man locked in the friend zone. It wasn’t a bad place to be. He had lots of women friends, but he wanted something more from her. “There’s more to me than meets the eye.”

Her hands came up, eyes taking him in. “I bet there is, Professor. I don’t know what my work schedule is going to be like, but I would definitely love to continue our conversation. And I would definitely love to see that Mustang of yours. Why don’t you give me a call and we’ll take it from there?”

Desire flooded his system in a way it hadn’t in ages. He’d been so focused on his brain that if felt good to let his body want something. Someone. Her. “I will.”

Was she going to kiss him? He held himself still, willing her to brush those luscious lips against his. He wasn’t about to scare her off though. He would let her set the pace in the beginning, and then once she trusted him, he could take control and show her how not sweet he could be.

“Tessa?” A feminine voice broke through the intimacy of the moment.

He turned, and a somewhat familiar woman was standing there. He couldn’t remember her name, but he’d seen her around the restaurant.

Tessa had stepped back, and an apologetic expression crossed her face. “Nina, I’m so sorry. I…uhm…”

“You obviously found something more fun to do than my boring anniversary party.” Nina had a smile on her face. The name rang a bell, too, but a distant one. His mom had mentioned someone named Nina was having a party tonight.

Malone. She was Nina Malone, and she was married to some guy who had a connection to Ian’s company. Malone Oil.

Did Tessa work for Malone Oil? That might fit. She definitely seemed to know the boss’s wife. If he was making the proper connections, Nina was married to the head of Malone Oil.

“I lost track of time,” she admitted. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to miss it.”

Nina waved her off. “It was a bit boring, like the celebration of a long-term marriage should be. And it’s closing down. Can we give you a ride home? JT’s bringing the car around.”

Tessa waved off the offer. “Oh, it’s fine. I can grab a cab.”

“Absolutely not. It’s late, and we didn’t even have a chance to talk. It’s the least we can do for dragging you out here, and your place is on the way back to Fort Worth.” An elegant brow rose over Nina’s eyes. “Unless you have another ride.”

Oh, he would love to give her a ride, but it was too soon, and he wasn’t that guy. He was the guy who made every woman feel comfortable, who built a foundation before showing off his wild side.

He had a wild side. He just didn’t indulge it often.

“I took a train, but I would be happy to escort you.” He would probably look way cooler if he’d driven, but the train let off close to his town house, and there was a station right at the college he worked at.

She shook her head. “I appreciate it, but she’s right. My place is on their way. Nina, I’ll be right with you.”

Nina nodded and moved toward the front door.

The waitstaff was winding down orders and settling up checks. Any minute now his mom would walk out of her office and start helping.

The night was over, and he was about to be left with his books and papers to grade, and normally that didn’t make him as sad as it did tonight.

“It was good to meet you, Tessa.” He held out a hand.

“You, too, David. Do you mind if I kiss you?”

The amount of relief he felt should have scared him. “God, I wish you would. I’m trying to be a gentleman and…”

She stopped him, pressing her lips against his and brushing them softly.

When she put her hands on his shoulders, he let his find her waist and gently dragged her closer. She’d given him permission, and he would let Copyright 2016 - 2024