Treasured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #10) - Jessie Donovan Page 0,48

and rough, Dawn doing her best not to make loud noises the whole time.

And so it went for another hour and a half, man and beast taking turns with their mate, helping her to forget about the outside world for at least a little while.

Chapter Seventeen

After the longest two weeks of her life, Dawn finally looked up at the brick and glass building that contained the Department of Dragon Affairs branch in Manchester and willed for the day to go her way.

Not that she had long to think about it because Daisy tugged her hand and asked, "Are we going to go on a tour first? I've never been inside, and I always wonder if the DDA has some special dragon stuff they keep hidden from everyone else. You know, paintings and old jewelry or something, that we can see only if we ask nicely."

She smiled at Daisy's enthusiasm. "It's not a museum, Daisy. And our appointment is in twenty minutes, which isn't enough time for a tour. And no, not even a quick one, before you ask."

Daisy slumped her shoulders. "Okay. Maybe later, though? I can at least ask if they give them. And if they say there's nothing to show me, then I can ask why not. Maybe they need to open a museum to help people like dragon-shifters more. I bet my old classmates would love it, and maybe it'd make them less afraid. It really is a brilliant idea."

Blake squeezed Dawn's other hand, and she shared an amused glance with her mate. Dawn replied to Daisy, "Maybe there is someone we can set up an appointment with, so you can ask some questions later but not today. Remember, we all need to be on our best behavior and tell the DDA people whatever they need to know."

Daisy bobbed her head. "I know that. I even brought my list of things I like about Stonefire, just in case I forget some and they need more reasons."

Dawn had seen the list, complete with over two hundred points, and didn't think the DDA panel would need that many reasons. But she had to give her daughter credit for being well-prepared.

Blake spoke up. "We should head inside. It's always better to be early than late."

Even though the sound of people walking around, the tram in the distance, or even just the car horns probably drove Blake and his dragon mad, he was calm and collected on the surface.

He was enduring something he disliked so much for her and Daisy.

It made her love him even more.

She gently pushed Daisy. "Let's go. Maybe you can look over your list again while we wait, to make sure you're extra prepared."

Which would keep her daughter occupied for a while, meaning she wouldn't irritate the DDA employees in whatever waiting room they were shuffled into. While Dawn thought Daisy had a great idea about opening museums related to dragon-shifters—a visual way to educate people—now wasn't the time to bring it up or risk irritating someone who could decide their fate.

After checking in with reception, they rode the lift to the second floor and went down the hall to the door that read, "DDA Hearings and Deliberations." The person at the desk inside the door showed them to a waiting room, also telling them that their solicitor, Hayley Beckett, would join them inside the deliberation room right before it started.

As Daisy went over her list, occasionally asking if she should add some more details, Dawn sat next to Blake, his hand in hers, and took strength from his calm presence. Her life could be decided in a matter of minutes. And no matter how resolved or determined she was, the upcoming meeting could throw a huge wrench into her life.

Blake tried to relax his mate by rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. However, she remained tense.

His dragon sighed. Of course she is. If they take Daisy away, it'll destroy her.

Especially since it wasn't as if Dawn could just leave and go back to her old life. She carried a dragon-shifter child, and once it was born, he or she would have to live on Stonefire. Which meant Dawn would either have to leave the child with him and move back to Manchester with Daisy or leave Daisy in the care of her aunt and raise her new baby.

It was rather an impossible choice.

Not that he wanted to think of it. They'd come prepared, had as much knowledge as they could to Copyright 2016 - 2024