Treasured by the Dragon (Stonefire Dragons #10) - Jessie Donovan Page 0,32

beast huffed. Why do we have to change back so soon? I want more ear scratches.

There's a lot to do before Daisy gets here tomorrow. Besides, wouldn't you like to have both Dawn and Daisy scratching behind your ears?

Maybe. His beast paused before adding, Fine, shift back. But don't make excuses when I want to shift again in front of Dawn. I want more time with her.

He gently bumped Dawn's shoulder and motioned with his head for her to move back. With one last pat to his snout, she moved to a safe enough distance away.

Blake imagined his limbs shrinking, his wings melding into his back, and his face returning to normal. As soon as he was once again in his human form, he strode right up to Dawn. Not caring who saw, he hauled her against his body and kissed her.

Her noise of surprise quickly morphed into the soft sounds she made as she kissed him back. He licked and devoured her mouth, tangling his tongue with hers when he could. He finally let her up for air and cupped her cheek. He murmured, "Thank you."

She tilted her head. "It's nothing, really. I remember when I was pregnant and everyone would just touch my belly without asking. It gets irritating rather quickly. I figured it's the same for your spot, right? You just need a little Dawn and Daisy to remind people it's not okay to break personal boundaries simply because someone believes a story."

He chuckled. "The Dawn and Daisy squad, huh? I don't think anyone will stand a chance."

She grinned. "Not if Daisy is involved. I'm sure she'll want T-shirts and will make posters or something, to post all around the landing areas with various kinds of warnings."

As he stared into Dawn's eyes, matching her smile, something shifted inside him.

His human had come to mean so much to him so quickly. He was more than halfway in love with her.

His dragon growled. She is ours. I hope you treasure her as she deserves.

Blake would always try. But first things first, he needed to ensure everything was ready for Daisy's arrival the next day.

So he kissed his beautiful mate quickly, dressed, and took her hand as he led her toward the school. Much like she'd had his back at the landing area, he'd have hers for all aspects of clan life that were new to her.

Maybe with his actions, he could prove how much he wanted her.

And so Blake helped in every way he could for the remainder of the day, not even disappointed when Dawn was so exhausted she merely fell asleep in his arms later that night. Simply holding his true mate was enough.

Chapter Twelve

Just before noon the next day, Dawn walked out of Bram's cottage with Blake at her side and was instantly accosted in a hug by her daughter.

After a second of confusion since she'd thought Daisy would wait for them inside the main Protector's building, she held Daisy tightly against her. "Daisy, you're here. I've missed you."

Daisy looked up at her and bobbed her head. "Yes, they said I had to wait outside until you were done. Something about you doing something important."

She brushed some of Daisy's wild hair from her face. "I had to sign some things to make sure we can live on Stonefire."

"So, it's all done? It should be moving day soon, right? Mrs. Barlow only let me pack one suitcase, but that's not all my stuff. And I couldn't bring all my stories and books about dragons with me, either. Which I need since I think they're going to be really important."

She laughed. "We'll be moving for good in the next few days. You'll survive without the rest of your stuff until then." She looked up and smiled at Mariana and Freddie. "Thanks for looking after her, Mari."

Mariana's English was teased with her Portuguese roots. "No problem. My Emily loved having a friend around. Although I think my son is happy she's gone."

Daisy's voice prevented Dawn from replying. "It was fun, Mum. But you had fun, too, right? And now I'll have a little brother and sister? And Mr. Whitby will live with us, too?"

Right, Blake. The man was a little nervous about first living with Daisy, and here Dawn had forgotten to include him.

She really needed to remember it wasn't just her and Daisy anymore.

However, Blake spoke before Dawn could say a word. "Call me Blake, Daisy. And yes to both questions—we'll all be living together from now on, Copyright 2016 - 2024