Translation of Love - By Alice Montalvo-Tribue Page 0,73


“No! Victor, no.” I can barely speak with the lump in my throat. I feel the tears pooling in my eyes start to spill over, my lips trembling. “I didn’t know.”

He looks up at me and I can see he’s struggling to get control of his anger. His fists are clenched so tight that the veins on his hands are protruding. “What do you mean you didn’t know? How could you not know that someone was recording you?”

I feel like I’m outside of my body looking in. “I don’t know! I would never let him do that. He wanted to. He always tried to convince me to but I said no every time, I swear.”

“Ellie! What the fuck?” he yells, causing me to flinch. “You mean to tell me that you had no idea that he recorded you? You had no idea that this video existed and that it could get in the wrong hands?”

I was shaking now. “No. I had no idea,” I muttered.

He stares at me for what seems like forever. I can see the battle waging inside of him. Finally he speaks. “I can’t fucking believe this.” He runs his hands through his hair. “I need some fresh air. I’ll be back in a half hour.” He grabs the hotel key card, puts it in his back pocket and walks out of the room without a second glance, leaving me there alone.

I stand frozen in the same spot for a while trying to get my tears under control. After what feels like an eternity, I dry my eyes and walk back to the windows looking out at the amazing view of the beach.

I couldn’t stand to see the look on his face. I didn’t know if it was anger or disgust or maybe a little bit of both. In all of the time we had spent together, Victor had made certain that I always felt beautiful and cherished, adored even and in one moment those feelings disintegrated. I could feel it when he let go of my hand and the air went thick. I worked so hard to rebuild the pieces of my life that had been destroyed two years ago but it turns out that it was all in vain. I was right back there, humiliated, alone and broken hearted. It isn’t Victor’s fault. I can’t blame him for his reaction. I don’t know how I would feel if I ever saw him in the throes of passion with an ex lover. I’m sure it couldn’t have been a great feeling. And oh God, the look on his mother’s face when she told him, so smug and satisfied. I knew she considered me to be nothing more than a gold digger who would never be good enough for her son, and while I never cared about his money she was right in thinking that I wasn’t good enough. That video proved it irrefutably and now he knew it too.

I suddenly feel the need to flee, to just pack my bags and go home where I can lock myself in my house and hide away from the world. What other choice do I have? He couldn’t possibly want me now. He would be crazy to be seen hand in hand with what amounted to an amateur porn star. Leaving is my only option. I will not put him through the embarrassment of being with me or having to explain himself to the media or his fans who already hate the idea of me with him. I’m sure he no longer wants me there. I have to leave before he can break up with me. It will be easier for me to handle if I don’t hear him say the words. I can just go home and pretend that he’s on tour and that he’ll be back someday.

I move away from the window, go to the closet and grab my suitcase. I fling it open onto the bed and start throwing my things in as fast as I can. There is no time for folding, I know he’ll be back soon and I have to get out of here before that. I can’t stand another confrontation like the one we just had. I go to the bathroom and gather my toothbrush, makeup bag and toiletries. I walk back into the bedroom just as Victor is letting himself back into our room. He freezes at the sight of me and looks at me with a blank expression. His gaze Copyright 2016 - 2024