Translation of Love - By Alice Montalvo-Tribue Page 0,36

take my eyes off of him. His lips curve up into his knee melting smile. The smile that affects me no less profoundly than the first time I saw it. “How do you feel, Baby?”

My hands release their death grip on the sheets and they move up to cup the sides of his face. I pull him down to me and kiss him gently, telling him everything that he needs to know with my lips. Victor’s arms go around my waist, pulling me to him as he breaks the kiss. “I’m glad you liked it, Love,” he says with a chuckle. “Now go to sleep.”

It hits me suddenly that he’s brought me to orgasm twice without anything in return. “What about you?” I ask softly.

“We’ll get to me another day, I promised we’d take it slow, right?”

“I know but…”

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m fine. Just go to sleep.”

“Okay,” I whisper, bringing my hand to his chest and settling into him. He kisses my forehead and slowly I’m drifting again until I fall asleep, for the second night in a row, without a hint of insomnia.

Bright rays of sun beaming through a window wake me up. My eyes flutter open. I realize that I’m alone. I sit up quickly and look around the room but Victor’s nowhere to be found. I get up, and put on the boy shorts that he discarded last night. I check the living room and find him on the couch wearing a t-shirt, the same pajama bottoms from last night and holding his phone to his ear.

“I’m away for the weekend. I’ll be back tonight.” He senses my presence, looks up and smiles at me. He holds out his hand, motioning me to come to him. My heart flutters and I bound across the room taking his hand as he curls me into his side and kisses the top of my head.

“What’s the big rush? There’s no deadline for this album to be done. I wanna take my time with it.”

He stops speaking, listening to whatever the person on the other end of the line is saying. He begins to run his fingers through my hair, causing me to melt further into him. “I understand that, but this might just be my last studio album. I want it to be the best. I’m not gonna just throw something together for the sake of putting something out.”

I hear the person on the other end of the line practically shouting now. I can tell it’s a woman. I look up at Victor and he rolls his eyes and smiles at me, telling me that his conversation is getting him nowhere. “You’ve always known that there was a possibility that this would be my last album. If I’m gonna go out, I might as well go out on top. Besides, nothing has been decided yet so there’s really no need to freak out about it.”

More silence on Victor’s part, then finally. “Whatever, I have to go. I’ll call you when I get back into town.” He presses the end button and tosses the phone on the coffee table. He tips his head so that his lips are against mine, giving me a gentle kiss. “Good morning, Baby.”

“Good morning.”

“Did I wake you?” he asks, stroking my hair again.

“Nope, not at all. I woke up and saw you were gone, so I came looking for you. I didn’t mean to interrupt a private conversation. I’m sorry.”

“You never have to be sorry for walking into a room, Baby. Even if I’m on the phone, it’s all good. Besides, you didn’t interrupt anything. That was just my momager.”

“Your momager?” I ask, smiling at the term.

“Yeah, I told you my mom is my manager, right? When she puts on her business hat she becomes a beast.”

“Oh. It doesn’t sound like she’s too thrilled with the prospect of you retiring.”

“No, not at all. She damn near had a heart attack. I love my mom, Ellie, I do. But she’s living her dream of stardom through me. This is the life she always wanted. She just can’t understand that I would ever want more.”

“Were you serious when you said this might be your last album?”

“Yes. It is. I’m sure of it, though nobody else knows that. I wanna settle down, figure out where it is that I wanna live long term, think about having a family one day.”

I ignore the family comment. I can’t think about what that implies right now, this conversation is too important to Copyright 2016 - 2024