Transcendence - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,26


"He respects me, as he should. We recognize the gains that may be made from our contact. He has things that benefit Behren, and I have things that benefit Honce-the-Bear. Such as my wealth, you see?"

"Yes, God-Voice," Merwan Ma said unconvincingly.

Yakim Douan gave yet another laugh. ?Surely you can recognize the benefit to us in having a man such as Abbot Olin seated in power over the Abellican Church. Entel is an important sister city to Jacintha, a way of trading for goods that are hard to secure south of the mountains. Most of the wood within Jacintha, including the great masts for our fleet, was brought here by Entel ships, as were many of the delicacies that we enjoy regularly at our table."

"I do understand." Again, Merwan Ma was not very convincing and seemed to be quite upset.

"But you know, as well, that it is not our place to help the Abellican hea and that is what troubles you," the Chezru Chieftain reasoned. Mer-Ma didn't respond verbally, but his expression showed Yakim Douan hat his guess had been on the mark.

"In friendship and in trade will we infiltrate the kingdom to the north " h the word of Yatol," Yakim Douan explained. ?We know that we are ioht We know that our faith is strong and that the Abellicans err in their devotion to gemstones. And we are secure that they, too, will come to see a light that is Yatol. The more they see of us, the more our true faith will mock their pitiful religion in the eyes of the Abellican flock."

Merwan Ma was standing straighter by that point and nodding eagerly, and Yakim Douan understood that he had settled this matter for good. Of course, he didn't really believe much of what he was preaching. He knew that any who watched the transition from Chezru Chieftain to the next cho-sen child would be stunned, would likely fall on their knees at the sight of the ?miracle." But he knew, too, that the crafty Abellicans were pretty good at manufacturing miracles of their own, and given all the stir concerning the upraised hand of the dead Avelyn and the way that it ?miraculously" cured the deadly plague, Yakim Douan knew that it would be a long, long time before many Abellicans even thought to change their spiritual course!

But still, he did want Olin to ascend, did want allies within the northern kingdom, men who would not put any pressure on Behren during the time of Transcendence, and men who, through trade and gifts, would make his life a little bit more pleasurable in the next incarnation.

"Our relationship with the Abellicans will prove of utmost importance in the crucial time that will soon be before us," Yakim Douan went on, and as Merwan Ma's eyes widened, just a bit, the Chezru Chieftain recognized that an urgency had crept into his voice.

A burst of laughter from Yakim mocked the attendant's fearful expres-sion. ?All is in place, and you know your duties."

"Are you not afraid?"

Yakim Douan waved the question away with such confidence that Mer-wan Ma's shoulders slumped. ?We will not travel this circular path again, my young companion, nor will I tolerate your continued lack of faith."

Merwan Ma stepped back and lowered his eyes, and Yakim Douan was touched by the moisture rimming those brown orbs, touched that the very pious young Shepherd was so concerned about him.

He walked over and draped an arm across Merwan Ma's shoulders, giv-ing a slight tug to jostle the man from his slumping posture.will be reborn, and you will be there to watch over me, until we are 'gain united," the older priest said. ?The word of Yatol is, in this case, lit-I know this because I have been reborn time and time again, and so, my young friend, I am not afraid. And after you witness the great Tranendence, after you hear the words of consciousness spoken from the mouth of the babe, you will rest easier at night, in full confidence that Yatol is with us, every step."

He coaxed a smile from Merwan Ma, then hustled the man out of the room. The sun was almost down behind the western-stretching line of the Belt-and-Buckle and Yakim Douan wanted to enjoy the sunset alone.

He was asleep again before darkness engulfed the city.
PART 1 TO THE EDGE OF DARKNESS Chapter 5 Conflicting Responsibilities
What is it? ? Brynn asked Juraviel, for the elf was up again from his seat before their small fire, Copyright 2016 - 2024