Transcendence - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,113

examine all of the foodstuffs. No one auite understood what the mystic meant to do, but no one questioned him, either.

He approached each bundle of food solemnly, falling deep within himself, and, as an Abellican monk employing hematite might do, he sent his sensi-bilities right into the food, visualizing any ?sickness" within the foodstuff.

He told them which of the supplies were fit to eat, and which were not, and though many sent questioning looks his way, unable to comprehend his methods and therefore doubting his conclusions, Ashwarawu nodded his agreement.

The powerful leader walked up to the first bundle Pagonel had pro-claimed as safe, lifted the meat to his mouth, and tore off a huge chunk.

"So, you have found a way to be useful!" Ashwarawu declared, and all of the raiders began to cheer for Pagonel.

Brynn watched it all, scrutinizing Ashwarawu's every move, studying how he played upon the emotions of the crowd, turning their hope to the benefit of his own stature, but also to the general good feeling and morale. It was obvious to her that Ashwarawu understood that the poison placed in the food could have more emotional impact than the physical toll it had in-flicted. The poison could have shaken the confidence of the raiders in themselves, in the weaknesses of their enemy, and in their leader.

That was all behind them now, suddenly, as long as Pagonel's proclama-tions about the food proved accurate.

Brynn, who understood the deeper levels of magic and perception be-cause of her time with the elves, was beginning to recognize the depth of this Jhesta Tu mystic, and had no doubt that his decisions about the food-stuffs would prove correct.

They did indeed over the course of the next week.

Several uneventful days followed, as the raider band regrouped. As with 2 period following almost every victory, more soldiers came in to join with mighty Ashwarawu. Brynn watched the leader closely throughout that time enod, measuring his words and his actions, trying to determine what he ? doing that worked well, and what seemed not so effective. All the while, she couldn't dismiss the obvious fact that Ashwarawu was really a very young man, younger than she was herself.

What he lacked in maturity and tact, though, he made up for in sheer bravery and ferocity.

That was his secret, Brynn decided. His bravery was dominant, so much so that his mere presence lent strength and courage to those around him as it had when he had lifted the meat Pagonel had said was untainted to his lips and taken a huge bite of it. He had not ordered a lesser to taste the food. And in battle, Ashwarawu did not follow his warriors in.

No, he led, howling and cheering, inviting the enemy to fight him.

Also to the man's credit, Ashwarawu did not pressure Brynn in those days, nor did he try to ignore her. He treated her pretty much as he treated everyone else - except that Brynn often caught him stealing glances at her.

Brynn awoke one morning to find the camp all abuzz. She found Pagonel not far from her tent flap, the mystic looking on in amusement as many of the other raiders flocked about a middle-aged To-gai-ru woman.

"Ya Ya Deng has arrived," the mystic explained, though the name meant nothing to Brynn.

"An informant from Dharyan," Pagonel went on in response to Brynn's blank stare. ?Her cousin works in the great temple of Dharyan and often overhears Yatol Grysh and his leaders."

Brynn nodded and turned back to regard the woman.

"She came in to tell us of the poisoned food," Pagonel went on. ?Though she recognized that she would likely arrive too late."

"How convenient for Yatol Grysh," Brynn remarked off-handedly, and though she wasn't really suspicious, the thought did cross her mind that any such informant had to be handled carefully.

"Her information has been reliable on many matters, I am told," Pagonel replied. ?Ya Ya Deng is among Ashwarawu's greatest assets."

"She must be loyal to have come all the way from Dharyan, though she knew that her information would not be timely."

"She came in to inform Ashwarawu, as well, that the two twenty-squares of Jacintha soldiers who arrived in Dharyan will not be staying, nor will they be heading west to To-gai," the mystic said. ?Apparently, they are to return to Jacintha on the first true break in the weather."

Brynn looked at him curiously. ?Twenty-squares?"

"Ashwarawu learned of their arrival in Dharyan. Perhaps that is why we have not been skirting the borderland of late. I believe Copyright 2016 - 2024