Transcendence - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,111

be weighed against that?"

'If you do not believe that the Behrenese must be forced from To-gai, then why are you here?"

I do not know," the mystic honestly replied, and he gave a self-deprecating chuckle. ?That is a question that I must answer myself. Still, I beg that you consider the question I posed to you, because if we happen upon a village - Behrenese that contains women and children and other noncombatants, i may well find yourself in need of the answer. Will you kill an innocent cnud at Ashwarawu's insistence? Or are you so convinced that there are no innocent Behrenese?"

"Are you intent upon sowing dissent within our band?"

Pagonel chuckled again. ?I speak with none of the others, unless they ask something of me."

"Then why do you take such an interest in Brynn Dharielle?"

"I saw you at your practice this morning," the mystic replied, and he let it go at that.

Brynn started to look back at him, but was interrupted by a figure approaching - a quite intimidating figure, large and chiseled.

"Another glorious victory!" Ashwarawu proclaimed. ?Will the trail of Ashwarawu end before it has run right through Jacintha?"

Brynn smiled at him, but his reference to himself in the third person set-tled uneasily within her. Mostly because Brynn did not believe that Ash-warawu was speaking of ?Ashwarawu" as anything greater than himself.

"But the caravans will cease, I fear," the rebel leader went on. ?Fat Yatol Grysh will not dare to send many more against the power of Ashwarawu. We may have to destroy a few outposter settlements to garner our supplies through the winter."

Brynn's facade cracked for just a moment as images of herded noncom-batants flashed through her mind.

"Or maybe we go right into Behren, eh?" Ashwarawu said with a wicked grin.

Brynn shrugged and held her smile.

"And what of you, mystic?" Ashwarawu asked, turning abruptly to Pagonel. ?Have you decided why you have joined with us?"

"Contemplation follows its own hourglass," Pagonel replied.

Ashwarawu looked at him incredulously for a moment, then exploded into a great burst of laughter. ?Well, take your time, then!" he said. ?You were helpful in controlling the horses, even if you did not fight. Just con-tinue to be helpful. Continue to earn the food I give to you."

Pagonel decided not to point out the fact that his skilled foraging was bringing in far more food than he was consuming.

"A curious pair, if ever I saw one!" Ashwarawu said, stepping back and surveying Brynn and Pagonel. ?Are you certain that you are not father and daughter?"

Brynn winced. Ashwarawu had spoken the words in jest, obviously, but any reference to her father stung. The woman's expression quickly reverted, though.

Ashwarawu cleared his throat, obviously seeing the discomfort he had brought to Brynn. ?Well, you fought magnificently yesterday," he said. ?I do not relinquish the pleasure of killing the wounded and captured Behre-nese easily!"

Brynn merely smiled, hearing Pagonel's warnings in her head.

"Come with me, my warrior," the imposing leader said, and he held his hand out toward a confused Brynn. el glanced at Pagonel, but his expression offered little advice, and so ?ok Ashwarawu's hand, stood and sheathed her sword, and followed the large young man away.

' He walked her right past the encampment - and brynn didn t miss sev-1 rather lewd snickers she heard from men along the perimeter - to a small tent set up in the distance.

Inside were piles of furs, and Ashwarawu bade Brynn to sit down. She jjd so moving to the far side of the small tent, and though she had her back sainst one side, and Ashwarawu had his against the opposite side, their legs were practically entwined.

The leader began taking off some of his layers of furs, but Brynn thought nothing of it. The tent was warm; no doubt, heated stones had been placed under the furs.

"When we chased you about the valley on that first day of your arrival, you proved your skill," Ashwarawu said. ?In the battles against the Wraps, you have proven your worth. Your strength and your will."

Stripped to one shirt and simple breeches, the young man came forward suddenly, going to his knees before the woman. ?I feared that I would not find a woman suitable for Ashwarawu," he said, and he moved right in, wrapping Brynn with his powerful arms and pressing his lips against hers.

A rush of confusion washed through Brynn. On the most basic level, Ashwarawu was undeniably handsome, with his strong features and honed muscles, the epitome of To-gai-ru manhood. Add to Copyright 2016 - 2024