Transcendence - By R. A. Salvatore Page 0,103

grinned, not expecting the two to take her seriously. They didn't understand her knowledge of tracking, of reading the slightest signs of passage. She had no doubts that if she got any-where near to Ashwarawu's forces, she would find them with ease.

She took the supplies from the old couple, gave each a warm and sincere hug, then gathered up Runtly and began the long trek to the south.

"How did you find us?" the fierce To-gai-ru warrior demanded, scowling down at the seemingly unremarkable man from horseback.

"Perhaps you are not as well hidden as you believe," the man in the tan tunic and sash of a Jhesta Tu mystic replied, and he gave a little shrug, as if it did not matter.

"I ask you only one more time!"

The mystic shrugged, and the rider growled and seemed as if he was about to run the mystic down, but then came another voice, one that qui-eted the rider.

"How he found us is not as important as why he found us," said Ash-warawu, walking his strong black-and-white pinto to the forefront. ?What do the Jhesta Tu see in our struggles that would so interest you, mystic?"

"I was To-gai-ru before I became Jhesta Tu," Pagonel replied.

"And that means you are loyal to our cause?"

Another shrug, pointedly noncommittal.

"And what of the Jhesta Tu who claim Behren as their heritage?" Ash-warawu asked. ?That would include most of your order, would it not? Are they now riding hard from the Mountains of Fire to pledge allegiance to the Chezru Chieftain?"

Pagonel gave a small laugh at that, and took note that Ashwarawu seemed to relax, just a bit.

"Hardly that," he said. ?Likely they would be killed before they ever neared Jacintha. Our order and the priests of Yatol hold little agreement."

The volatile man at Ashwarawu's side started as if he meant to say some-thing, but the warrior leader held up his hand to silence him. ?Allies against a common enemy? ?

"The Jhesta Tu do not name the Yatols as enemies," Pagonel replied. ?Though neither would we deign to name them as friends. We orbit differ-ent realms, to the satisfaction of both."

"Yet you are here."

The simple statement gave Pagonel pause, for in truth the mystic, so fresh from enlightenment, still had not sorted out why he had come to To-gai, and why he had sought out Ashwarawu and his fierce band. All along the path of his travels, once he had hit the midpoint of the steppes, he had heard tales of Ashwarawu and his gang, of vicious retributive strikes against Behrenese outposters. Pagonel had learned why this fierce young man he was surprised at how young Ashwarawu really was! - had earned a title of someone who kills without mercy."

The mystic would be lying, to himself as well as to others, if he did not A 't that he was intrigued by Ashwarawu and the renegade warrior band. ' 'H* there was more to his journey to find Ashwarawu than mere intrigue, "Why did you find me, mystic?" Ashwarawu pressed. ?I have no need to wait how long have I heard stories of the Jhesta Tu witches. Some sorcery rought you to me, I do not doubt. The question I must answer is whether 3r not that sorcery is being used to the benefit of the Wraps. Are you a spy? Do you seek to lead the Wraps to me, telling them also the strength of my forces?"

"No to both," Pagonel answered simply and without hesitation. ?I have come to To-gai to learn."

Ashwarawu's eyes opened wide at that surprising proclamation. ?What is there to learn, mystic? How to fight? How to die?"

"Or perhaps, how to live."

The young Ashwarawu rocked back a bit on his horse at the simple re-sponse and spent a long while studying the mystic, head to toe.

"You have come to learn," he said slowly, and he seemed to be measuring Pagonel with each passing syllable. ?To learn which side you must choose?"

"I did not know that the Jhesta Tu were involved with the struggle be-tween Behren and To-gai."

"You said that you were To-gai-ru!"

"I once was, and perhaps will yet be again," Pagonel answered. ?I do not know. For now, I am Jhesta Tu, and nothing more, and I have come to watch and to learn. And nothing more."

The man sitting beside Ashwarawu spat upon the ground with obvious contempt. ?Are we to provide entertainment, then?" he asked his leader.

But it was obvious to Pagonel that his words had intrigued Ashwarawu enough to push them past Copyright 2016 - 2024