Traitor - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,41

easy, even for you super-athletes. It’s more technique than strength.’ He needed to sound serious about taking them all the way onto the platform itself, regardless of his own reasons for going. ‘I advise you to carry as little as possible,’ he added.

The men began discussing various items of equipment and their pros and cons.

‘What was his name?’ Rowena asked, cutting through the chatter.

Stratton paused to consider the wisdom of saying anything else. ‘Jordan Mackay.’

‘Dates in the service?’ she asked, typing.

Stratton had to think. ‘I don’t know how long he was in the Marines but he was in the SBS for about ten years.’

Rowena studied the screen, which displayed the faces of several men. She had scanned Jordan’s features from the news report and was matching it to a database of SBS operatives past and present. A match came up quickly.

‘He’s telling the truth.The man on the Morpheus is Jordan Mackay, former member of the Special Boat Service, retired a year ago.’

‘You’re going to the oil platform to rescue a friend?’ Mansfield asked.

‘Did you think I was going for you?’

This didn’t satisfy him. ‘The surveillance system will be set up on the lower levels of the rig without anyone needing to go up top and become exposed. If you go in search of this man, you’ll put the whole operation at risk.’

‘I guess it’s not perfect for either of us. I thought this was a chance for you to prove yourselves.’

‘And for you too, perhaps,’ Rowena added. ‘After your last cock-up.’

Stratton clenched his jaw. The woman was an arse, to be sure, but he was not going to let her get to him this time.

‘That’s irresponsible, isn’t it?’ Jason asked, pressing the point.

‘Look who’s talking,’ Stratton responded.

The scientist remained unsure. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for but the question was: could he achieve his aims under these conditions? ‘How do we get on board the helicopter?’ he asked.

There was a moment’s silence while everyone took in the likely reality of the situation. It was a serious step in itself to try, even if they didn’t get out through the door. If London knew they were even considering it they would not be amused.

‘We get fully rigged and walk on board,’ Stratton said. ‘Leave the rest to me.’

‘The crewman will know we’re not the same team,’ Smithy said.

Stratton had been aware of an air of nervousness surrounding the tall, skinny, pale-looking man. Now that they seemed to be going ahead with the task it was getting even more noticeable.

‘Obviously,’ Stratton replied. ‘So we don’t try and pretend otherwise. We tell them the truth.’

‘Tell the crew that the SBS team are stuck in the airlock, you mean?’ Jackson asked. Jackson was bigger than all of the others but none of the man’s bulk tended to fat. He looked the type who liked to take supplements and press weights, and he did not look apprehensive in the least. He held Stratton’s gaze.

‘Won’t they want to verify any changes with the operations officer?’ Smithy asked, looking to the others for agreement.

‘That’s the bit we need to delay,’ Stratton said.

Jason nodded his understanding. ‘What’s the lost-comms procedure?’

‘They’ll proceed with the plan,’ Stratton replied.

Jason faced Binning. ‘We need to block their comms.’

‘That’s easy enough,’ Binning said. ‘Would they go all the way without comms?’ he asked Stratton.

Stratton shook his head.

‘Then what do we do?’ Jason asked.

‘Baby steps,’ Stratton said. ‘Options may present themselves.’

‘Rather like a trapeze artist releasing the swing without knowing where the other swing is,’ Rowena offered.

‘Welcome to my world. You sure you still want to play in it?’ Stratton asked.

Jason had heard enough. ‘Are we agreed?’ He looked at the other four scientists.

Binning nodded. ‘Most definitely.’

Smithy nodded.

‘Yes,’ Jackson said.

Rowena hesitated. The others waited for her answer.

Her stare was fixed on Stratton. It was him she was unsure of.

‘We need you,’ Jason said.

‘Got to have a babe in the team or they won’t make the movie,’ Binning said, grinning.

Rowena eventually lowered her eyes and remained where she was.

Jason knew her well enough. ‘We’re all in,’ he announced.

Stratton felt his awareness of the insanity of it all rising up in his consciousness once again but he suppressed it. ‘Just one thing,’ he said. ‘I’m in charge, all the way. No arguments, deals, negotiations. I want that understood.’

Jason accepted the condition without hesitation. ‘Agreed. You’re the boss.’

Stratton checked the others to ensure that it was unanimous. There did not appear to be any objections apart from the unvoiced ones from Rowena who remained Copyright 2016 - 2024