Traitor - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,118

‘This time it’s really over . . . You’ve had a good run but this is as far as you can go now.’ He pressed the weapon still harder against Rowena, who stiffened angrily in his grip.

Stratton went over his options as he looked into Jason’s eyes.

‘Always contemplating options, Stratton. You are insufferable. Shall I try to take the mad fool with me with a quick shot, and hope he doesn’t kill the girl? Or do I concede this phase and hope there will be another opportunity?’

‘There’s another,’ Stratton said.

Jason’s smirk wavered.What other options could the man possibly have?

As she looked into Stratton’s eyes Rowena suddenly realised what he was considering. ‘Do it,’ she said.

Jason remained at a loss to figure out their plan but instinctively tensed himself for something.

Stratton continued to stare into her eyes as he imagined the potential consequences of his next action. And what they needed to do to survive.

Rowena swallowed and did the same.

Stratton turned and aimed the gun at the oxygen bottle beneath the container. He fired.

The rocky cavern magnified the deafening explosion. Chunks of the oxygen cylinder flew in every direction. Stratton, exposed where he stood, fell back to the floor, the weapon clattering away. The expanding blast caught Binning and the Russian officer and his men as they dropped to cover themselves.

Rowena had braced herself for the detonation and as Jason tensed in reaction to it she grabbed his gun hand and slammed him hard with her elbow. He dropped the gun and she followed up with a palm thrust to his heart that threw him back against the rock wall and onto one knee where he fought to catch his breath. He reached beyond his momentary haze and snatched hold of her arm, his grip vicelike, flashing a look up at her. She saw the terrible threat in his eyes but could not get free.

The full force of the exploding gas cylinder had punched through the belly of the huge vat and ripped it open. Tons of bright green sludge gushed out and a heavy gas issued from it, rapidly expanding to cover the floor like a smoky liquid as it rose up the walls of the hall.

Stratton looked through the grille floor of the gantry to see the gas rising up towards him. He sprang to his feet and ran fast towards the tunnel, hurdling over Binning and the Russians.

Jason was about to strike Rowena when Stratton steamrollered into him, delivering a crunching blow to the side of his head that sent him sprawling. At the same time the operative grabbed Rowena and tumbled into the next hall with her.

The green gas began to bubble up through the gantry as Binning got to his feet and ran from it like a man possessed. The Russian officer and one of his men were hot on his heels but the remaining soldier stayed dazed on his hands and knees, a cut across his forehead. The gas seeped through the gridded metal and over his hands. He felt immediate excruciating pain and instinctively pulled his hands away from the terrible vapour. It had already exposed his finger bones, had simply melted the flesh from his hands. The gas rose up his body and he screamed as the flesh literally fell from him and he collapsed beneath the devouring mist.

Jason looked around to see the gas heading into the tunnel towards him and he was up and running faster and more recklessly than he had ever run in his life.

Stratton and Rowena also ran for all they were worth along the corridor.

Binning and the two Russians were not far behind.

The gas accelerated through the connecting tunnel and flowed like a living liquid into the next hall.

Sensors picked up the deadly vapour and klaxons began to sound throughout the complex, accompanied by red flashing strobe lights above all the doors.

The electric motors beside the heavy steel barriers burst into life and large hydraulic arms began stretching out to close them. The doors shuddered as the old hinges cracked and complained as they were brought into use after so many years. The massive doors began to move.

Rowena led the way to a corridor junction and without hesitation selected a turn. They passed through a closing steel door and ran on.

A few seconds later Binning and the Russians jumped through the same narrowing gap.

Jason ran hard around the corner and caught sight of the men up ahead. He leaped through the door with some room to spare Copyright 2016 - 2024