Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,78

friend—the Minnesota Monarchs were a solid team and had already clinched their playoff berth—but he was going to need something with a little more oomph for this conversation. Demetrius was the only player on the team, so far, who Daniel had felt an actual connection with.

“I’m glad for you,” Daniel said when he had his pale ale in hand. “You deserve this, D.” He lifted his drink. “To a long playoff run.”

Demetrius clinked their glasses together. “Thanks, man. You know, you deserve better than this crap with the Thunder, too. I know Tex has cleaned up his act a bit since you tried to set him straight, but he’s still struggling with that attitude problem of his.”

“Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that.”

Demetrius snorted. “Or in a season, apparently. I mean, at least your break will start early. Unless you think a trade offer might be coming your way, too?”

Daniel shrugged and sipped at his beer. “Not sure. I guess I’ll be hearing soon, if so. The deadline is in a few weeks.”

Demetrius gave him a shrewd look. “I don’t think you’re really feeling as casual about it as you’re trying to pretend right now.”

“I’m not,” Daniel admitted. “I’m on a one-year contract with the Thunder. If they don’t want me next season and I don’t get any other offers, I’ll have some soul-searching to do.”

“Man, it’s too soon for you to be thinking about the R word,” Demetrius said with a frown. “You just won a Cup last year.”

“I’m also over a decade older than you,” Daniel said, smiling wryly. “As much as it sucks to say it, I think I might be past my prime.”

“You’re still better than most of the dudes on the Thunder, and that’s not me blowing smoke.”

Daniel ducked his head as a flush worked its way up his neck. “I appreciate you saying so, D, but the bottom line is I’m not as good as I used to be. The numbers don’t lie.”

Before Demetrius could reply, the server stopped by again and they placed their food orders—a chicken sandwich with steamed broccoli for Daniel and a Cobb salad for Demetrius. Once they were alone again, Demetrius leaned back in his seat and sighed. “Well, I hope the tides turn for you, man.”

“Me, too.” Daniel picked at the edge of the coaster beneath his beer glass. “Are you going to see the Rumbles one last time before you go?” The mini-mites were the team Demetrius volunteered with most, and they all loved him, Gretchen included.

“Most definitely. Can’t leave my little buddies without saying goodbye. I think volunteering with them saved my sanity this season.” Demetrius nudged Daniel’s foot under the table until Daniel looked up. “You’ll keep going, right?”

“Of course. I’ll be at their practice next Monday. Tabby is taking Gretchen to the game on Friday since we’ll be traveling to face the Marauders.”

“Not me,” Demetrius said. “The Monarchs want me there in time for their game on Sunday afternoon. I fly out late on Friday night, but I’m going to go see the Rumbles’ match before I head to the airport.”

“Damn.” Daniel tried to ignore the unpleasant quaking in his belly. “I almost forgot how quickly these moves happen sometimes. So you’re only here for another two days?”

“Yep. Mostly I’ll be packing. I had to break my lease early, and I’ll sure as hell miss the weather here because last I checked, Saint Paul was in the thick of a snowstorm, but I can’t say I’ll be sad to part with any of this but you and the munchkins.”

Daniel chuckled. “I’ll miss you too, man. But I hope it goes well for you up there. The Monarchs have some really strong players.”

“I’m hoping to get put on a line with Nieto eventually,” Demetrius said, naming one of the team’s top-scoring forwards. “I think our styles would complement each other.”

Daniel considered it for a moment. “Yeah, I think you’re right.” He gestured to Demetrius’s now empty glass. “Up for another? Next round’s on me.”

* * *

It wasn’t the same in the locker room without Demetrius, but that was expected. What surprised Daniel was that Cedric seemed sensitive to his mood, and gave him a shoulder bump and a nod on their way to the ice for their game in Memphis on Friday.

The Thunder squeaked out a win on a fluke goal, and against a team like the Marauders, that was a victory worth celebrating, so Daniel pushed himself to go out with Copyright 2016 - 2024