Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,67

searching. “It’s kind of the same thing as you and Micah. I didn’t want to mention it until I knew we might be going somewhere, but we’ve been seeing each other since early November, and I’ve been thinking about letting him meet the kids. Just in a casual setting, you know? Maybe the Children’s Museum.”

“That—that sounds good.”

“Yeah?” Tabby said brightly. “You’re okay with them meeting him?”

“Of course.” Daniel gave himself a little shake. Pull yourself together. Tabby deserved that much. “I trust your judgment.”

Relief washed over Tabby’s face, and it was only once the tension eased that Daniel realized how anxious she must’ve been. “I can wait until after you tell them about Micah,” she said. “They already know him, and I don’t want to drop too much on them at once. What do you think?”

Daniel smiled at the warmth that spread through his chest. “I think that’s really generous,” he said honestly. “You’re amazing, Tabby. I’m sorry if I got weird just now.”

“It’s okay. I know it kind of came out of left field, but you’ve had a lot going on and I just... I don’t know. I wanted something just for me for a little while.”

Daniel stood and rounded the table to press a kiss to the top of her head. “I get it. Totally. I’ll tell the kids about me and Micah when I have them next weekend, okay?”

“Okay.” Tabby grinned up at him and held out her hands for Daniel to pull her up. “Thanks, babe.”

“No need to thank me, Tabs.” Daniel squeezed her, lifting her off her feet, which made her squeal and laugh like it always did. “I’m happy for you. Really.”

And he was...although there were other feelings too. Ones he’d have to investigate. Later.

* * *

“Tabby has a new boyfriend.” Daniel didn’t mean to burst out with that information on the heels of his hello kiss with Micah the following afternoon, but there it was.

Micah froze, staring up at him, lips soft and parted. If Daniel hadn’t been in the middle of embracing him, he would’ve smacked himself on the forehead.

“Sorry.” Daniel dropped his arms. “Sorry, what an opener. How are you?”

“I’m fine.” Micah stepped back, patting Daniel’s chest lightly. “Why don’t we take this into the kitchen? I was about to cut some cabbage for the tacos.”

Daniel trailed behind him, too busy inwardly cursing himself to appreciate the view of Micah in the form-fitting leggings he usually wore to do yoga.

Micah went straight to the fridge. “Take a seat,” he told Daniel. “I made a pitcher of margaritas to go with lunch, but I have half a bottle of Patrón left, if you’d prefer it straight up?”

Daniel shook his head. “No, no. I’m good. A margarita will be fine when we eat.”

Micah pulled out two bottles of water and handed one to Daniel before going over to the cutting board that rested on the counter. “So,” he said, as he picked up a sharp knife and neatly chopped a head of red cabbage in half, “when did you find out? About the boyfriend?”

Daniel slumped onto one of the stools at the breakfast bar. “Last night.”

Micah cast him a sidelong glance. “And you’re...upset?”

“I don’t know if that’s the right word.” Daniel idly twisted the cap on his water bottle. “I guess I was surprised, and... I don’t know. Not hurt, not exactly. It’s just...weird.”

“Weird because you’re having regrets about the divorce?” Micah asked the question with all his attention focused on carefully slicing the cabbage.

“No.” Daniel abandoned the water bottle and went to stand next to him. “Hey, Micah? Look at me.”

Micah did, his hazel eyes wary. “I wasn’t worried about this before. About you having regrets about Tabby, I mean. Should I be?”

Daniel cupped his chin and leaned down to kiss him again, as gently as he knew how. “No. Tabby and I had our chance. It’s over now. It was over long before we got divorced.”

“Then why is it weird?” Micah set the knife down and turned to gesture between them. “I mean, we’re already seeing each other. Why does it bother you that she’s met someone?”

Daniel couldn’t exactly say himself. “I guess... Look, I’ll be honest, the divorce wasn’t my idea originally. Yeah, we weren’t in love anymore, but I still loved her as a friend, the way I do now. I would’ve been happy to try to make it work, but Tabby, she missed the romance. She missed the sex. And I won’t lie, I missed the physical side Copyright 2016 - 2024